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The SF-O 2015 Gaming Tournament - Feburary 2015 - Audiosurf


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Okay, I won't hide it, my attempt at organizing the January challenge for the gaming tournament kind of flopped. BUT, I will persevere
and start up the Febuary challenge right here, right now. This month revolves around Audiosurf, as requested by LazerMaster5.
Get as high a score as you can with a Pro character on Pedro Macedo Camcacho - Audiosurf Overture, and upload a photo of your
score at the end of the run. You don't have to have an Audiosurf account, just uploading the photo of your score to this thread will do.
Deadline for this one will be the 24th Feburary. After that, no more entries can/will be accepted.
Make sure the version of the song above is from the Audiosurf Radio, say which character you used, and that you're using the 1st Audiosurf, not the 2nd one. (YOU CAN USE THE DEMO VERSION IF YOU DO NOT OWN AUDIOSURF.)
Alright, you birds, get out there and rack up some scores!
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Does it matter what character we use?

Not really, no, but I'll probably do seperate tables for players who use Mono Pro and/or Double Vision Pro.

I'm gonna have a crack at it with Pusher and Vegas tomorrow morning, and I'll upload the results then.

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