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obligatory foxXwolf rp


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rp type? can be forums or PMs

Content? Can go up to kissing/hugging/snuggling, but keep it short and simple. No sex! i can't break the rules, but it can be implied and skipped over. Not much violent content. swearing is allowed, but not much, unless the character is having a very bad day.

Story: pick one (they're cliche)

- wolf/fox gets badly injured and one takes care of other

- wolf/fox(somehow) is homeless and the other takes him in

- Highschool relationships (i'm very good at these.... i recommend this)

- College roommate stuff


PM me or reply if i can do this

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*slowly and calmly*



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All jokes aside, this RP would best be suited to being private, using a medium other than SF-O.   

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