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Failed To Run Steamui.dll Error



Okay, so I just got my own laptop so I could put some of my Steam games on it and not the family's computer. I tried installing steam, but after it finished installing, I keep getting this message: "FATAL ERROR: Failed to run Steamui.dll." I tried deleting the file and running steam, (It would update Steam but still give me the same error.) I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling Steam, I tried moving the Steamui.dll file from my family's laptop to mine, but none of these seem to work. How do I fix this?

(My current OS is Windows XP, if you are wondering.)

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Steamui.dll is the file for the user interface. What allows for the friend window and chat boxes. Sounds like a compatability issue. Get some win7 and download/find a comparable version/ or install shoe into power box.

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When you are reinstalling, are you deleting the Steam folder, or just using the uninstall program? I found that when you uninstall a program, the folder typically remains in your program Files section on the HDD. Try deleting these folders when you reinstall, that may force it to properly reinstall the files you need.

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I'd recommend not using Windows XP.  If you can't acquire a copy of 7 or 8, I'd recommend using Ubuntu.  I use Ubuntu on my laptop, and Steam works like a charm.  


However, barring that, if you want steamui.dll to start working, just remove it from the folder it's in, when Steam goes to update it'll realize steamui.dll is gone, and redownload it.  

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Steam should run on XP still.

Try the Steam Silver Bullet Fix:

If you don't have any games installed yet, completely delete everything the Steam Folder except steam.exe (if you do have games, leave steamapps and userdata as well).

Then, run steam.exe. It should re-install everything.

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try going into your steam/package folder and delete a file called beta, if it exists. then try again.

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Something may be wrong with your OS or your computer itself.

Try opening a command prompt (as an admin user) and run:

sfc /scannow
Also, try a HDD check and a memory check.
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I remember on my old hard drive I started getting errors like this but on games.  Turns out my hard drive was bad, and for whatever reason deleting data constantly, and it was random whatever it would delete.  I ended up having to trash the drive and get a new one.

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