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The Next Star Fox Game: Speculation and Ideas III


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The wing riding was a pretty goofy mechanic, at least without an explanation as to how it was possible.

Probably G-Diffusion

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The wing riding was a pretty goofy mechanic, at least without an explanation as to how it was possible.


I liked Fichina because it felt like it had more... structure, I guess, to it than the other on-foot levels? Overall, Sauria, Katina, and Corneria boiled down to "go here and shoot x". Fichina had its segments of that of course, but it was the sudden robot sentries thing that made it more interesting? Like there seemed to be more reason for Fox to be in that situation outside of shooting hatchers. Yeah, the level concepts were really interesting (Wolf's secret space base? Return to Sauria? hell yeah!) but actually doing them was a weird little chore sometimes.

All I know is that it was really fun rolling around in a LandMaster on Sauria, and switching between flying the Arwing and landing in the hangar of the space station also remains quite fresh. "That's no moon...it's a space station."

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  • 1 month later...

Not much for speculation, but just what my personal Idea of  what a next gen Star Fox game would be like (sort of a mix of several other game mechanics)

1)Bring Back Branching Paths, or Decisions effecting the outcome of the story. Perhaps an open map: Similar to MassEffect.

2)The ground Combat: to have High speed, and stylish mechanics : Vanquish, upgradable gadgets with additional use of other characters. 

3)Aerial Combat: All Range mode: Visual spectacle of the Dogfight Mechanic from Ace Combat Assault horizon (I would love the Arwing to have such high intense action gameplay)

4)Multiple Character Story line (Add to the World Building). Like Play as Star Wolf story, or Even Bill Grey's, Katt Monoroe, Krystal etc something to bring depth in the Star Fox Universe.

Regardless I'm still excited to see what they have cooking up. I'm grateful enough as is.

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We need falco's backstory. he is mysterious. we even dont know which place he born.

We need see more avians too.

as gameplay we need multiple character mission


Edited by Benfark
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1)Bring Back Branching Paths, or Decisions effecting the outcome of the story. Perhaps an open map: Similar to MassEffect.

​I wanted starfox to take a few hints from mass effect for a while now :D AT LEAST have the great fox be a hub world with the ability to talk to the team after missions and get input (Like the normandy from Mass effect)

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3)Aerial Combat: All Range mode: Visual spectacle of the Dogfight Mechanic from Ace Combat Assault horizon (I would love the Arwing to have such high intense action gameplay)


Nutshell version: volvo fix DFM pls

Long story short: DFM was one of the unholy triumvirate that contributed to the Cowadoody-zation of AC:AH. While its concept of putting augmented visual action and every bit of detail to be appreciated up close onscreen, it's more of a glorified version of an extreme-railed shooter QTE mode. As far as I know the computer can do almost all the maneuvering without a touch from the player, meaning it's literally hold guns button and watch the thing explode Michael Bay style, a showcase of over the top exploding things that would be better fit in a Metal Gear Rising game.

I know SF on itself is in many parts an on-rails game, but as for all-range mode, it has the same lacking that AH did have, meaning you didn't have a fully three-dimensional maneuvering space. Loops and Immelmann turns are scripted commands, no inverted flight, and so on. Implementing DFM as it was in AH into SF would do as much as railing the game during all-range mode, only this time it would follow the AI movement patterns without a touch on the controller. All in all, the visual complexity and elaborate elements seen during DFM are something that SF definitely needs, but turning the game into a QTE-fest under extreme acid-induced FoV is not the best advisable idea.

Not like SF never had good ideas implemented badly, since it's like the Magic Good-Idea-Bad-Implementation-Bus or something. Other than that I agree with what you said. Especially being a long-term Ace Combat fan I still hope it can someday be, quote, "pants-on-head-crazy fun" like Ace Combat PS1-2 era is famous for.

Just felt I should leave my two cents about this here.

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  • 3 months later...

Played star fox 2 recently and I noticed that star fox zero had more similarities with it besides just the walker. Many elements of the walker stage, such as the enemies and need to press switches are also present in this game's walker stages. Heck, even the ship in Sector alpha is the exact same one from star fox 2. I think this might indicate that some of the planetary missions will be utilizing the walker to press switches in order to infiltrate a base like SF2

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Well, I've only experienced Krystal in Assault (never got far enough in Adventure to see how she mixed with the rest of the cast) and all I can say is that she had as much personality as the rest of the people on the team. And, now I ain't no feminist, but I do believe that there needs to be at least one female in any game. Games where the entire team are made up of women often feel less dynamic somehow.

As an update to what I want: the franchise can go whatever direction Nintendo sees fit, SO LONG AS THEY ADD A DAMN ONLINE MULTIPLAYER MODE. Heck, even one as basic as SF64 3DS with only online multiplayer would suit me fine.

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