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The Next Star Fox Game: Speculation and Ideas III


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What kind of Bizarro Internet are you posting from where straight-up being called a bigot is nicer to you than someone actually trying to explain why your argument may be flawed through actual explanation and contention?


Anyway, yes, literally everyone in the universe knows that Krystal wasn't supposed to be in Star Fox. Well, now she is, and she's been in more Star Fox games than she hasn't. Now they have to write her in a way that works for the plot. It isn't impossible, they just have to do it.

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gameplay-wise, i would love something that is basically Assault with no on-foot sections.


plot-wise it would be cool for some female characters w/ motivations that don't amount to "i must please men!!!", like dras said. i'm kind of on the fence w/r/t how complicated it should be...like, starfox is basically "animal people in space kill a giant monkey head" but i think it would be cool to expand the starfox universe. i'm not saying it has to be to the lengths mass effect or star wars go, but give us something to work with.

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so using the words "rabidly hating" to describe someones actions is an acceptable way to explain to someone theyre wrong? edit: I dont know about you, but where I come from, you show someone how they're wrong politely so as not to get in a fight.



gameplay-wise, i would love something that is basically Assault with no on-foot sections.


plot-wise it would be cool for some female characters w/ motivations that don't amount to "i must please men!!!", like dras said. i'm kind of on the fence w/r/t how complicated it should be...like, starfox is basically "animal people in space kill a giant monkey head" but i think it would be cool to expand the starfox universe. i'm not saying it has to be to the lengths mass effect or star wars go, but give us something to work with.



Give that man a cookie.

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Yeah Prince I agree, it needs that balance. I think Star Fox already has a big enough world that it can be explored interestingly--you've got a ton of planets, hints at weird mythos things, and a bunch of characters to work with. I think it can go wild with worldbuilding, it just needs to remember not to take itself too seriously.


so using the words "rabidly hating" to describe someones actions is an acceptable way to explain to someone theyre wrong?


dude you have taken every opportunity you've had since joining here to rag on Krystal. Yeah, you have an abnormal amount of contempt for a fictional fox girl. Let it go man. Let it go.


also not especially sure why you're offended that I said you hate Krystal since this entire argument has been you justifying why you hate Krystal

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another point on this goofy argument-thing: intonation and politeness does not determine how valid someone's point is, unless it's like, ad-hominem (which it really wasn't).

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Certainly not the one where people pointlessly and to the degree of looking like a total tool feel the need to repeat, in pretty much every post, that they don't like Krystal. 

Let it go. You don't need to convince anyone you're cool by detailing exactly to the decimal point how much you don't like Krystal, no one cares.

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If you dont care then you shouldnt have responded. Back on topic...



Anyway, as I originally stated, there are rumors that Nintendo is making a new console. This probably isnt new news to anyone, but that may be the next platform Starfox is on. If you havent heard, I'll put up a link in a second.

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I certainly don't care about you not liking Krystal; what I care about is you yammering relentlessly about it, and when you get your opinions questioned, you engage in sneaky silencing tactics. 

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That'd be it, yeah.


The WiiU seems more than capable of handling an interesting Star Fox game though. The pad controller thing seems like it could integrate some cool team command mechanic.

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It is. It would probably be best to pair it with the classic controller in my opinion though, or whatever they're calling it now because it's more familiar for fans of the original to get used to. When it comes to ground segments, we shouldnt axe them entirely. The Landmaster still has a place and the Blue Marine could be used as a good segment if implemented correctly. I actually think the ground segment for Fichina in Starfox Assault was very clever. It felt a lot like Call of Duty most of the time, in particular the mission from CoD MW2, Contingency. I personally liked it and think they should try something like that again. It gives a good reason to take the ground as opposed to flying. Should ground be on rails? Hell no. It just doesnt make sense. Should the thing be able to flip?


People are gonna bitch at me, but I think it just looks silly. Imagine an Abrams tank doing a barrel roll. That doesnt look pleasing. But it's Starfox, and as ridiculous as it was, its probably best to keep that feature in for the lulz.


Aside from that, ground segments, if on foot, should work like so:

Over the shoulder third person (swapable shoulders)

Ducking, rolling, and crawling.

Some platforming/parkour elements but not like Mirror's Edge

And lastly, some stealth elements. It is Fichina afterall.

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Yeah, that generally sounds like a good setup for the ground segments. I don't know why they fumbled it so badly in Assault and turned everything into a SHOOT THE HATCHERS!! fetch quest. You have a space mercenaries game and that's the best they can come up with? There's soooo many simple mission goals they could implement, even basics like "Find and Defuse the Bomb" or "Rescue the Hostage" or whatever. Fichina was probably one of the better ideas that Assault had.


The Landmaster backflipping all over the place was kinda goofy too. I liked it in SF64 because you got the impression it was a useful, hardy vehicle for harsh alien planets where the Arwings don't have the easiest time. They just used it all willy nilly in Assault though...

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Yeah. The Assault Landmaster looked and felt like a tank. It do some damage. The 64 version was more like a speedrunner so the controls made sense.

Hey! We're agreeing on something!

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Just make a free to play Star Fox game on the eShop and ill be happy. The fact that Star Fox 64 3D did not have online MP due to lack of development time, would make sense if Nintendo creates this Free version.


Its not like Nintendo could make Wii U version now considering low sales and no 3rd Parity support.  

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They already have a few titles going through right now. I dont know if they're going to go through with a new SF title since most flight games in general have been set to the wayside in favor of FPSs and MOBAs.

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So, what, just because a franchise is un-popular, that means we shouldn't get games developed for it?


By that line of thinking, every studio must make boring, linear FPSs and shitty MOBAs. 'Cos, you know, no creativity allowed when working within AN ARTFORM

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Actually thats exactly what I was saying. Business will milk titles for everything their worth. Take EA for example.

The world is a lot more sadistic than you led to believe.

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No shit


I just said that in an overly sarcastic way. Keep up son




Thankfully, indies can supply where the demand  is for everything that AAA dont but this is starting to lean on the side of being asinine.

The day that stockholders stop having an influence on game development and devs can make whatever they want to make and really get artistic with it is the day the industry is saved... either that or when EA collapses, either one is fine.

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Yes, yes it was, because I dont appreciate being met with an aggressive attitude. You need to think before you put up a post that everyone can see for an extended period of time. Granted Ive made many similar mistakes in the past, but Ive made an effort to set aside pride and have the integrity to apologize.

If you want a new Star Fox game to come out, being aggressive about it wont help.

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but Ive made an effort to set aside pride and have the integrity to apologize.

Hows about you stop de-railing topics to defend your personal pride then.



Next in this topic: GETTING BACK ON TOPIC!

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If Nintendo is going to hop back into Star Fox, they're probably going to wait until they have some sort of innovation to pair it with. Maybe some sort of Oculus Rift hardware? Maybe they're working on new software that Star Fox will be paired with (which is more plausible).

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