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BSOD ever since hard drive change



OK, so one of my two solid state drives broke the other week. Normally I would have fixed it myself but the 2 SSD's were set up in a RAID arrangement, and I didn't want to fuck with that, so for the sake of that and $12 I got a computer shop to replace it. Now, the computer has been getting at least 1 BSOD almost every day. I called up the computer shop about it and got them to look at it, and they couldn't get to blue screen at all. I got it back, and I was ok for the first day, but now its shitting itself again. Now that Google has failed me and the computer shop really doesn't want to honor their 3 month repair warranty, I turn to you guys.


Here is a copy of the latest BSOD report.


- <System>
  <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting" Guid="{ABCE23E7-DE45-4366-8631-84FA6C525952}" EventSourceName="BugCheck" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="16384">1001</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-02-27T11:01:54.000000000Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
  <Security />
- <EventData>
  <Data Name="param1">0x0000000a (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff80002eded76)</Data>
  <Data Name="param2">C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP</Data>
  <Data Name="param3">022715-8533-01</Data>
The only guaranteed way to trigger the blue screen is to try and play War Thunder, otherwise it will just happen randomly. Both instances give me the same error
Anyone got any idea's? This is really giving me the shits, especially as uni starts again in 3 days.
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13 answers to this question

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Have you tried threatening it with a knife? If so, that's the end of my tech support expertise.

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Have you tried threatening it with a knife? If so, that's the end of my tech support expertise.


Not yet, but I'm close to it.

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Try reseating the SSDs, and if that doesn't work, try reinstalling War Thunder

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Try reseating the SSDs, and if that doesn't work, try reinstalling War Thunder


I can give that a go, and I have tried reinstalling War Thunder multiple times, and even just went ahead and removed it all together, and the problem still persists.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Next time you get a BSOD, write down your STOP code(s).

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You got this one : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff560129%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

And its a generic-ass BSOD basically. Judging from the parameters, a kernel mode driver seems to be trying to dereference a null pointer..


And if they can't crash it, maybe its an external device you have around at home that's causing the issue. I had a USB to DB-9 Serial cable that would BSOD my computer.. So it can literally be anything.


One thing that I've recently stumbled on was this (I'm assuming you got windows 7):


It stresses all the drivers on your PC, and it basically makes it so the computer is more likely to get a BSOD. Except that when that thing is on, the OS expects it, and it logs the result. So you can more easily single out the faulty driver.

However, it makes your PC run much slower, and you don't want to work on things you don't want to lose given a crash is more likely!


Make sure you know how to start windows in safe mode before using it though, because it might BSOD at startup, and make it hard to turn it off !


They also have a great forum for troubleshooting BSODs. The people over there seem actually more competent than people in most PC repair shops XD :



Next time you get a BSOD, write down your STOP code(s).

Its written in the xml for the event 1001 he posted.

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The HDD swap could be a red herring, especially since you said games trigger it.

Try re-installing your Video Card and RAID/storage drivers (motherboard manufacturer should provide these).

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OK, I re-installed my video card drivers, and it fixed the War Thunder issue this time, but I am still getting random blue screens. Also, other than the two reports it makes of the computer shutting down unexpectedly, there are no other reports marked critical or error, and the error I posted earlier doesn't seem to appear. However, there are now two warnings listed, including one I have never seen before.


Here is the one I have never seen: "Name resolution for the name www.msftncsi.com timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded."


- <System>
  <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client" Guid="{1C95126E-7EEA-49A9-A3FE-A378B03DDB4D}" />
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-03-02T11:09:52.024256100Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="1848" ThreadID="2856" />
  <Security UserID="S-1-5-20" />
- <EventData>
  <Data Name="QueryName">www.msftncsi.com</Data>
  <Data Name="AddressLength">16</Data>
  <Data Name="Address">020000350A00008A0000000000000000</Data>
and here is the one that seems to appear every time: "Custom dynamic link libraries are being loaded for every application. The system administrator should review the list of libraries to ensure they are related to trusted applications."
- <System>
  <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Wininit" Guid="{206F6DEA-D3C5-4D10-BC72-989F03C8B84B}" />
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-03-02T11:09:36.109427900Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="844" ThreadID="964" />
  <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
- <EventData>
  <Data Name="StringCount">1</Data>
  <Data Name="String">C:Windowssystem32nvinitx.dll</Data>


No idea if they are related but figured I may as well post them anyway.


I also forgot to mention this before, but apparently due to the computer store having to put a different drive in to the one that was in there originally, they made the two drives operate independently now, not as a RAID.

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They mean nothing to your situation.

The first just means your computer tried to connect to a website, but the DNS name didn't resolve. The second is just Windows noticing that your nVidia driver is loading DLL files when it is called and is creating an event about it.

Also, did you try re-installing your storage/RAID driver? You can get it from the motherboard manufacturer.

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i have reinstalled the storage driver, so we will see what happens.

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Ok, I can now confirm that that hasn't worked. Still blue screens randomly, and now there are no error reports to show for it, other than the two telling me the shutdown was unexpected.


Any other ideas guys? I am completely out, especially now that it wont even give me error reports.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Does your computer automatically restart when you get a blue screen, or do you get time to read everything and possibly write down the STOP codes?

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Ok, I think I found the problem. Some hidden files of my video driver remained when I uninstalled it, which corrupted the new instal. Since I have fixed that it hasn't happened, so hopefully that was the problem.

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