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Project: Let's make the most accurate Lylat System chart possible.


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Someone posted to Reddit asking what the actual layout of Lylat was. I came to the realization that there really isn't a definitive map of the system.

With a bit of research, I bet we can create a fairly accurate chart of Lylat per the SF64 Canon Track (that means no Eladard or Meteor).

This should be the starting point. It's from the cutscene prior to the Sauria mission in SFAs. This is the only official map of Lylat that shows actual orbits. It shows 12 planets in 9 orbits.


I do not know who enhanced this. It was just linked to on Reddit.


It just so happens that in the SF64 track, there are 12 planets in Lylat named throughout the series:






Solar (Yes, Solar is a planet, not a Star)





Papetoon (Mentioned in SF64 [Japanese] and in SFC)


Notice the green planet on the bottom-right. It is circled and happens to be in the 4th orbit. I'd wager that's Corneria as Corneria is the 4th planet it seems highlighted for importance.

The planet in Orbit 9 is also circled on a second view of the map in the later part of the cutscene.

I'm going to cross-reference some sources when I get off work. I'd appreciate any assistance, though please canonically justify your suggestions.

List by Orbit:

Orbit 1: ____________________

Orbit 2 (eliptical): _____________________

Orbit 3: ____________________________, _____________________________

Orbit 4: Corneria

Orbit 5: ________________________, ________________________

Orbit 6: ______________________, _______________________

Orbit 7: __________________________

Orbit 8: ____________________________

Orbit 9: ___________________________

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Should Solar be immediately penciled in as Orbit 1 simply because it features the hottest temperatures of all the planets by far? To me it also looks like the closest planet to having a red color in the diagram such as it was portrayed in SF64. It seems almost too easy, but I'd like to hear other opinions before jumping to conclusions.


I'd argue that Sauria could potentially be either Orbit 2 (elliptical) or Orbit 9. The reason for this is because Sauria (Dinosaur Planet) is said to be at the very far corner of Lylat. Technically speaking, this should by default rule out Orbit 2 because it comes in very close to the other planets, but I wouldn't count it out due to the fact that Orbit 9 is still relatively close to the center of Lylat in comparison to when Orbit 2 is at it's furthest point from the rest of the system. In fact, Orbit 9 is distanced further away from Orbit 8 than any of the other non-irregular Orbits are from each other. Thoughts?

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About to leave for work when I began this so I'm going to keep editing this later.


Galactic center is going to be Lylat. 

Orbit 1: Solar (assuming, even though it's the size of a planet, it shares a lot of qualities of a star. Binary system.)

Orbit 2 (eliptical): Macbeth (Game says it is close to Lylat but Venom also used it to manufacture weapons. If planet has an abundance of minerals, constant heating and cooling would stir up the minerals in the planet, better helping the eliptical theory.

Orbit 3: Katina (Given that it's barren and closer to the center/just outside the Goldilocks zone),

             Fortuna (unlike Katina, it's just in the Goldilocks but closer than Cornelia. Fits that all we see are jungles in Adventures) or Papetoon, comic said and showed a rocky desert barren and such. My bet is on Papetoon but on the fence. Cornelia might need to be moved back one.

Orbit 4: Corneria
Orbit 5: ________________________, ________________________
Orbit 6: Finchina (Snow, nuff said), Titania mostly because the belt it has. More distance from center, more control of spacial debris. 
Orbit 7: __________________________
Orbit 8: Zoness (Running on the idea that it's a waste dump, needs close proximity for usage.)
Orbit 9: Venom (Mostly because in evey SF game its the farthest away.)

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Comparing the map of Lylat in SF64 to the one seen in SF Command, I think I can safely confirm that Titania is 1 or 2 orbits away from Venom, for starters.

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Theory: Let's end the "Solar planet/Solar star" debate with a couple words:

Brown dwarf.


Inb4 downvote of the millenium



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I'd think the weird orbit planet is Sauria given it managed to not even be in Lylat for long enough time for anyone to know what the fuck it was.

More detailed musings later.

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Before I go into what I think, I'll just post the missing orbit #9 here.
And other relevant screenshots to help us determine where everything is. I got these screenshots from Olizandri's playthrough on youtube. 


So we have Fortuna and Titania in the opening cutscene. And then to the right we have Katina I am guessing?

Because we see the rings on Fortuna and Katina.

Gotta be honest, this Fichina screenshot has me stumped.
And then of course we have Fichina and Corneria from the Orbital Gate Mission..and possibly Solar on the other side.

Not sure what this other planet is from Katina, most likely Fortuna given its closeness in the first cutscene.


Hopefully these images help. Saves watching the gameplay over again. 


Also, I believe that while playing on Titiana in multiplayer, you see Katina. 

Edited by NovaPhoenyx
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*posits theory that no writer actually thought about it*

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*posits theory that no writer actually thought about it*


goes well with that avatar, too! a two-for-one!

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*posits theory that no writer actually thought about it*


Now I'm curious as to just how nonsensical the layout of Lylat is based on the planet positions in Assault and on 64's map (as well as their listing as 1st-9th planets of Lylat... Venom is the first, so shouldn't it be closest to the sun? And is Fichina or Fortuna the third, since the translation in 64 was goofed?)

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Fichina was used in Japan.


That's probably Solar. Remember, Solar is a planet, not a star.

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"Planet" of pure lava right next to planet of pure winter and coldness and ice.


​That doesn't equate correctly.




I also got to ask: are we designing a map of the Lylat system using information solely of the video games or are we designing a system based on scientific possibility, or a mixture of both ... which one? 

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Are we even going to get this done in time for the release of Star Fox WiiU?

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I'm more interested in it being as canonically accurate as possible rather than as scientifically accurate as possible.

Anyway, I just played all the levels (Yay for VS mode and Mission Select). Here are the planets visible from each other:

Corneria: Green ringed, Fichina?/Moon?

Katina: Corneria, Green Ringed

Fortuna: Green Ringed, Tan rock/desert

Fichina: Red Clear

Sauria: Red cloudy

Titania: Red Cloudy

Sargasso: Red Clear, Unknown - behind star


Planet ID:

Green Ringed: Unknown, doesn't match any previous planet depictions. Papetoon?

Tan Rock/Desert: Not rigned, so not likely Titania. Katina was a similar color in SF64. Katina?

Red Clear: Looks very volcanic, Solar?

Red Cloudy: No real good views. It is partially obstructed on both Sauria and Titania. Given Titana proximity in SF64, Venom?

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Here is my best guess so far:


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Solar = Brown Dwarf, Fichina = Moon of Solar?

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The Green Ringed planet could be Zoness. The rings might be a small reference to it's origins of Eladard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bet that grey-ish planet on the outskirts of the system is Papetoon..since it is supposedly at the far corners of Lylat. Or Venom..or.. Sauria. Cause you know, they are all on the edge of the Lylat system..I'm starting to wonder if they threw them all out there for dramatic effect. *Ponders for a long time* 

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Can I just take a quick second to derail this? Frankly, I never realized just how horrific-looking General Pepper truly is. Apologies for shitteo quality-freakin' YT man.


Dead black eyes give way to an overly lumpy nose and a mouth that looks like an alien's genitalia. Seriously, look at those cheeks(?) and tell me those don't look at least a little bit like deformed testes. Seriously, ew.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to revive an old thread, but if anyone still want to try and have a crack at this system map, I just made a neater one that can be more easily labeled;Star Fox Assault System map.jpg

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