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Pokemon Sage; When /vp/ makes a game and it's good.

Dr. Orange

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I don't usually browse the /vp/ thread of 4chin, but when I do something happens.

So, basically, a bunch of Pokemon fans from /vp/ thought, "Why the fuck don't we make a game." 


So they did.




It's still in like really really early Beta but at the same time it looks really good. Great variety of Pokemon with interesting combinations. (A water and fire type, that's toptop right there.)


Pokemon set in Central/South America.  With detailed characters and an already interesting character setup for the protagonist and antagonist. 


Here's a pokemon list:

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On the fence about posting the demo they had and other information to their site and what they have done so I'll post the imgur link that provided the links to look at the stuff. God I love loopholes.


Go nuts.

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Dude I would play the shit out of this. Fire/Grass Jackelope Pokemon? Sphinx Pokemon? Is that a greaser werewolf? SIGN ME THE HELL UP

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I look at Burrmudail and all I see is Aska from the "Tales" series.


I have seen this before, but have always passed it off as the same as any other pokemon fan games. Maybe I'll actually play this one.

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