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Bloodborne streaming.


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I said I was going to do something like Robert Monroe, but I lied kind of, I am not going to take the time to stop playing Bloodborne to explain it all, so y'all can watch me stream it instead if you want. It'll just be gameplay and may be AFK points through it, but you can still watch me die, a lot, through it if you want.



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Bloodborne seems fantastic - I don't really care for the Dark/Demons Souls games, but I'll be damned if I don't admit that they, along with Bloodborne, look badass as all hell.  I'm glad to see that it has lived up to the majority of the hype.

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So I uploaded a video to youtube of me killing what has become one of my favourite bosses, both design and fight wise. It was done with the PS4 built in uploader so no 1080p HD, just 360p. May try to move the file to a USB drive then re-upload on my PC in HD. But until such time, here it is:



Shame I couldn't get the intro from when I first encountered her, but that was a few attempts earlier and I didn't think to tell the PS4 to save that one in time (it holds 15 minutes of footage automatically for short periods of time).


But hot damn this boss, it is a white, Vicar she-werewolf with flowing hair.


Edit: OH! Found a video that has the intro to her without talking over it.


Edited by Vydrach
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Hot damn I love those ghastly wails she does. Combined with the atmosphere and music, that's a pretty rad boss fight.

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