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I have been a fan of South Park since 1997. Stan is also my favorite character, but I also can't deny that Cartman brings on most of the humor the show has to offer. I also thought it was nice to also see Kenny getting switched around with Butters from time to time too. I also liked listening to the commentaries Trey Parker and Matt Stone put on their DVDs. As of now, my South Park collection goes up to season 14. I put it off though, as I took a break from watching South Park, which was also even more inevitable considering how South Park seems to be under a much longer usual hiatus again. I suppose I'll just check out their official Wiki for any upcoming news, aside from Wikipedia itself that is.


And while this is old news, I still thought it was extremely generous of Trey Parker and Matt Stone to have allowed all seasons of South Park to become legally and officially available for streaming, so you can watch any episode at any given time. Certain shows are sometimes unavaible though due to some occasional contractual obligations, but the effort itself still makes up for it in my opinion.


It also seems that South Park has been renewed to continue until 2016. There hasn't seemed to be any other news or even miniscule hints of upcoming episodes as of late though.







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