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ROB 64


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Alternate NamesNUS 64 (Japan)GenderMasculine AI
ROB 64 in Star Fox AssaultAffiliationStar FoxFirst AppearanceStar Fox 64

ROB 64, or ROB for short, is the robotic pilot and navigator for the Star Fox teamâ's motherships. He shipped with the Great Fox but was transferred to the team's new ship after Great Fox was destroyed during the events of Star Fox Assault.

ROB's duties include piloting the ship, firing weapons, transferring items to the team, and monitoring the health of the team. He is also able to interface with the Great Fox's internal network and leverage the resources of that network to provide the team with any analyses they require as well as keep track of the battle situation in real-time.

His localized name, ROB 64, is a reference to the Robotic Operating Buddy (R.O.B.) peripheral for the NES with the 64 representing the Nintendo 64. However, this reference could not be made in Japan, as the R.O.B. was known as the "Famicom Robot." Instead, NCL went with "NUS," the part number prefix for the Nintendo 64 and all of its peripherals. As NUS stands for Nintendo Ultra Sixty-four, the original name for the N64, the name NUS 64 is actually redundant.


Despite being of Cornerian design, ROB has a more primate appearance to him. His head is rectangular, but rounded, and has the vague shape of a primate head. Two large bolt-like protrusions are visible, one on each side of the head. These hold a panel that covers the lower-half of his face. This panel moves when he speaks. Whether or not the panel serves a practical purpose or is merely cosmetic is unknown.

ROB's body is seemingly built to conserve materials while still remaining aesthetically pleasing. Most of his electronics appear to be housed in his torso and head, with the rest of his body only being large enough to contain the servos and actuators needed for his movement. He is bipedal and has two jointed arms complete with fully-functional hands with opposable thumbs. He forearms are extendible to increase his reach.

He also has a small display on his chest. This display has been shown displaying both some kind of graph and the Star Fox team logo.


Being a robot, ROB's personality is somewhat static, as is his speech synthesizer's monotone voice, though that doesn't mean he lacks personality entirely. While he normally focuses on business, he has been known to crack a joke or two, usually at the expense of one of the team members. He also has no qualms about interjecting in a conversation if he feels he has relevant information or even to pile-on when team members are voicing their complaints.


ROB is on friendly terms with the team, and the team seems to enjoy having him around. ROB is particularly fond of Slippy Toad, if only because Slippy is the one who performs the requisite maintenance on ROBâ's systems, including changing his proton power packs. When Star Fox split-up prior to Star Fox Command, ROB remained with Fox McCloud.


ROB was built by Space Dynamics specifically to provide complete automation for Great Fox. As such, he is extremely proficient at piloting large vessels.


Star Fox 64 Player's Guide (US)

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