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Fox's Special Move on SSBB

Guest Fox235

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That's what I thought, but I'm not sure....Mario has that massive fire attack, Kirby uses his magical cannibal powers to try and cook someone...

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Iam thinking the same as Steve9, he may call some Corneria bombers to bomb the battle field.

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I'm thinking he'll call the Great Fox to storm the battle field with lasers.

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Or it might have something to do with the Landmaster

Though I can't think of a way that could happen, it's a totally awesome idea!

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Yeah, it would be awsome but after seeing the SSBB video Dwight posted it looks like most of Foxes leves will be off the surface.

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Wait I know! ^_^

If Nintendo/Hal put Super Move Cancellers in the mix.....Sora could just come in and trip Fox then jump out......HA!

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Okay, get this:

The screen goes dark as an aura of flame forms around Fox, and breifly takes the shape of a nine tailed fox. Then it turns into a big plume of flame and burninates the opponet (I'm such a pyro). O_o

And for those of you who are wondering, no the nine-tailed fox did NOT originate from Naruto. It actually came form Japanese mythology, and it was a thing to be feared. Foxes with less tails weren't as scary, but could still be a deadly threat,as they could trick you into being eaten.

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Okay, get this:

The screen goes dark as an aura of flame forms around Fox, and breifly takes the shape of a nine tailed fox. Then it turns into a big plume of flame and burninates the opponet (I'm such a pyro). :D

And for those of you who are wondering, no the nine-tailed fox did NOT originate from Naruto. It actually came form Japanese mythology, and it was a thing to be feared. Foxes with less tails weren't as scary, but could still be a deadly threat,as they could trick you into being eaten.

Even though that's not the first place, it's still an awesome scene, which came to mind when you said "nine-tailed fox" o_O

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Or how about have an Arwing crash into the opponet and burst into flames. That's a bit more Star Fox-y than my other idea. The Nova Bomb thing would work too.

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Fox calls upon his special move, where an Ar-Wing comes on screen, and Fox jumps into the Ar-Wing. The Ar-Wing transforms into a robot and smashes his enemy.  :D

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Guest Chiro-Chan

How about having Fox pull out a big gun, and shooting the opponet? That might work...

(but I still say the 9-tailed fox one is way cooler...)

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I don't know about this but I have a feeling that Brawl won't dissappoint.

I'd go along with the homing missle thing though.

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an arwing comming (or arwings) shooting lasers and smart.. I mean "plasma bombs?" at the opponent, or maybe the whole StarFox Fleet or so come with arwings shooting bombs and GreatFox Rapidly shooting..

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When Mario shot fire out of his hands, that look quite Apocalyptic. D:

All you really needed was the horsemen and there's your own little version of Judgement Day.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Well, wasn't Wario's Brawl a fart or something-Oh wait, that's Apocalyptic too. (Long story, invloves baked bean and camp cabins. DON'T ASK. >_<)

Yes. Gigantic flaming nine-tailed fox. ...Or Kamikaze Arwing would be cool too.

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