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Fox's Special Move on SSBB

Guest Fox235

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(Let's add Sonys leader as the FINAL boss >.>; ... trowing explosive PS3s'...)

nine-tailed kitsune would be cool.. but it ain't really "starfox-y" ... hmm, prehaps just his arwing comming and he drives it and are able to shoot with it for some time.. maybe? it aint that acopalyptic..

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I still say...four arwings coming to aid him is the most reasonable idea for his brawl attack


That seems nice.

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How about Fox throws on his reflector shield and lets off that mine thingy on his hip and the explosion blows up the entire screen but doesn't hurt him because of the reflector shield. yay or nay?

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hmm... well, why not be able to "unlock" or "shoose" different special-move to be able to be used during a game?

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It would be so funny if somebody was right on the money with this.

I'm betting for "Fox jumps in his arwing and blows everything up" or "Fox goes ape sh*t and beats one person up lightning fast"

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Maybe an Arwing will come in and shoot a bomb. Or maybe Fox will use the minigun from Starfox Assualt to shoot a character.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Kamikaze Arwing. xD

I'm saying that it involves Arwings. If it does, hopefully there'a t least some fire. I like fire. xD

But if not, then ah well. arwing would be fun too.

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Oh wait! What if a SNES arwing comes down and blasts the field and everyone except Fox?

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Well, it looks like they're using more SF64-based Arwings and Wolfens back in Fox's stage, so I'd assume they'd use the SF64 Arwing.

Arwing attacks are alright, but what about the Great Fox's lasers from SF64? They looked powerful to me. If the special moves are just huge and powerful attacks, it'd make sense to me. That, or a bomb from an Arwing drop from the sky.

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Tyra Banks' forehead should suffice enough as a an attack.

They should have used the SFAs head for him.....



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Picture this:  there is a huge battle going on when all of a sudden the game stops and a push *insert controller button here* box appears *think rob messages in SF:64* and the first person other than fox to press the button is safe.  Then ROB says "Great fox will cover you" and the great fox lasers rain down on the players that didn't press the button fast enough.

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