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WTF is Bethesda up to?


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So, Bethesda is having a full-fledged E3 conference. Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb are supposedly hosting it. Something big is happening, right? I guess we're finally gonna get the Fallout 4 announcement.

Well, we just did:


So we get the FO4 announcement before E3 and they still have a full press conference worth of time to fill.

They're up to something. This E3 event is too big for one game which they spilled the beans two weeks early for. They wanted to get FO4 out of the way. I'll wager FO4 is coming out this year. FO4 has been an open secret for at least two years now, and they probably started on it after finishing Skyrim.

I'm guessing we'll probably get some TES:O content. But, I'm sure there's more. Perhaps a sequel to Dishonored? New IP? I guessing the megaton will probably be a teaser for TES VI.

What do you guys think?

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Im guessing TES: VI or a early teaser. My #1 Guess.


But ... just on the speculation ... what if Fallout is going to break barriers. We saw worlds and a history lesson. That was big and fancy and hype to the max. But what if they're not putting all their eggs in one basket. Maybe this isn't the full deal, just a snapshot of something even crazier, something completely different that makes this game stand out to all the others this year. FO is one of the biggest fan followed games this past decade, there is a cult. Bethesda has something up their sleeve with this.


Second guess is this game is going to be really fucking expensive and the added hype will detour fans from the price. 

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Well, Doom was confirmed to be shown this year a couple weeks ago. I'm personally excited for that the most.



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I remember being disappointed when I found out that "the Bethesda horror game" (Evil Within) wasn't just the natural horror companion to TES and Fallout (not sure why I expected it to be).

So I'm still holding out for a TES/Fallout set in spookyworld instead.

It's not going to be that, but hey.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 6:21 AM, Drasiana said:

I remember being disappointed when I found out that "the Bethesda horror game" (Evil Within) wasn't just the natural horror companion to TES and Fallout (not sure why I expected it to be).

So I'm still holding out for a TES/Fallout set in spookyworld instead.

It's not going to be that, but hey.

​Point Lookout for Fallout 3 fit that bill nicely. It was modeled after classic slasher film types.

Edited by Vydrach
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That looks cool, but I was thinking less "Fallout DLC" and more an actual game that has a plethora of horror elements. Like, Skyrim, Bloodborne and the Nightmare Before Christmas's demented little lovechild.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was looking for Fallout 4 things then i found this: "fan of the series sent the developer behind the games, Bethesda, a bunch of bottle caps in the real world -- hoping to secure a copy of Fallout 4."

"Bethesda global community lead Matt Grandstaff tweeted out a picture of the haul in his office and confirmed that the company accepted the bottle caps as payment."


"But fellow Fallout fans shouldn't rush to mail off more caps to the company: According to the Imgur update, Grandstaff told GatorMacheteJr his attempt was being honored because he was the first person to give it a try. A Bethesda spokesperson confirmed to us late Thursday that it won't be honoring future bottlecap pre-order requests."

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