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[REPOST] So There's Going To Be Fallout 4


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A few days late, but for any of you guys who don't know, Bethesda has confirmed Fallout 4 to be in the works.

SO I just found DZ's post from a few days back, sorry about the repost. Feel free to delete this if need be.

(Still got XCOM covered though)


Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4 – their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming. (Steam Store page for Fallout 4)

Not a lot of info has been released about the game yet, but the internet is already revving up the hype thrusters.

Discuss and speculate about the upcoming game here. 

Edited by OrbiKitsune
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There's so much that I really don't get about this

>generic post doomsday theory

>"brand new mechanics" to hide the fact that it's just regular FPS

>Trailer that tries to show a post apocalyptic environment but fails badly 

>A companion everyone will like but we all know is completely useless

>Overpriced because famous IP 

>Company that makes it is a well known under achiever but people constantly argue for it

Seriously what's the deal with people and Tom Clancy's The Division? I cannot wait for Fallout 4, it looks way better and will probably be the game of the year. 




But the one thing I have a beef with so far is how almost "modern" the cities look. New Vegas and FO3 had cities running on the shells of buildings and they're telling me that in 20 years difference that they used scraps and junk to make tall ass buildings and fortresses? Why couldn't anyone else do that? 

Edit: Also Orbi I see what you did there you sneaky you.

Edited by Dr. Orange
How could I have missed it?
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I really can't wait to get a good look at the game ! And I'm hoping that blimp is one of the Brotherhood of steel's ! I wonder why they went with another urban setting though..

I wish Obsidian had more of a hand in this.. Because, I seriously loved Fallout : New Vegas much more than Fallout 3. And its mainly because of the way Bethesda approached the franchise..

Fallout 3 took everything about fallout and twisted it all in something really weird and incoherent. Like super mutant capturing humans and eating them, for no other reasons than "lol cannibals". Even though, super mutants never were cannibals, or meant to be, or didn't even gain anything through that ? ( Apparently every singles bethesda games has cannibals and vampires at one point :P )

Raiders just put dead bodies and shit everywhere in their hideouts in FO3. But that makes little sense. Why fill your base with decomposing corpses.. In all other fallout games, this was only done by the vipers and another gang in fo2, and they just put the bodies on stakes at their doorsteps to scare people. Not to sleep with those around.. You gotta wonder wtf bethesda is smoking sometimes... 

And well, there isn't a single character I like in Fallout 3 XD They're just all way overdone, and just obnoxious and asinine. Jericho gets hilarious after a while of hearing him whining though.

New Vegas had seriously done much better with its characters. Mr House was awesome, Ceasar was pretty interesting. Benny was really fun to hate. Then there's Cassidy, the eyebot, Rex, Raul, etc.. The NCR was kinda dumb, but, they always kind of were. Especially now that Tandi is dead.

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I don't hate FO3 as much as some, but I do agree that New Vegas VASTLY outperformed it as a roleplaying game. Now admittedly a lot of the problems in FO3 are covered by Bethesda writing their own lore for east coast shenanigans (such as the Super Mutants) but its still pretty damn obnoxious. I wanna be hype for FO4 but I'm worried it'll be more like 3 and less like New Vegas.

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I guess we'll see it for ourselves on the 14th. That's the day bethesda's conference takes places on at E3.

Though, it certainly seems like they went the conservative route with Fo4.

If it ends up like Fo3 I'll probably end up derping around the game, like I did in Fo3 XD Or just skipping it, because its nearly freaking $80+ CAD with taxes and all..

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I like things I'm seeing, namely the voice lines that're pre-recorded for popular choices, because I can see that evolving into something I've wanted for a long time but we can't do yet, true freedom in your dialogue options, and that you can still act in dialogue, because of how often I've thought, "I'd just shoot him right now."





Edited by Vydrach
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I can only wonder why I never delved into the Fallout series before.  I'll have to give the new one a shot when it comes out.

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Get the originals if/when you can, too.

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