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So There's Going To Be X-COM 2


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Please keep snakewomyn discussion to a minimum.

For any of you who enjoyed the sadistic self-inflicted pain challenging tactical warfare against aliens in XCOM: Enemy Unknown and the extra content introduced by Enemy Within, XCOM 2 has been announced a few days ago by Firaxis.

In this alternate future/retcon, the aliens manage to surpass the XCOM Project. Humanity lives now under alien governmentship in a somewhat Combine-esque way. XCOM itself has been driven underground by the aliens, and it's up to you to figure out how to overthrow the alien overlords.

I'll be actually looking forward to this release, since improvements are foreseeable from Enemy Unknown/Within.

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I'm very excited for this. Word is IGN's going to be holding a stream on the 15th which will reveal more info, such as what the 5th class is.


  On 6/8/2015 at 2:20 AM, Xortberg said:

Two words:

Snake titties

​I gladly accept our shapely snake overlords.

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Can't wait to park my Skyranger inside of my Skyranger and conduct snake titty autopsies for greater good of humanity.

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  On 6/8/2015 at 1:58 AM, OrbiKitsune said:


Please keep snakewomyn discussion to a minimum.

For any of you who enjoyed the sadistic self-inflicted pain challenging tactical warfare against aliens in XCOM: Enemy Unknown and the extra content introduced by Enemy Within, XCOM 2 has been announced a few days ago by Firaxis.

In this alternate future/retcon, the aliens manage to surpass the XCOM Project. Humanity lives now under alien governmentship in a somewhat Combine-esque way. XCOM itself has been driven underground by the aliens, and it's up to you to figure out how to overthrow the alien overlords.

I'll be actually looking forward to this release, since improvements are foreseeable from Enemy Unknown/Within.

​Ever played X-Com : UFO Defense, Terror from the Deep, or Apocalypse ? The first two are much, much worse in terms of self-inflicted pain XD

And X-Com Apocalypse is basically what XCOM2 is based off of. Apocalypse takes place after Terror from the Deep.

To quote wikipedia(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-COM:_Apocalypse) :


Half a century after the end of the second X-COM campaign, the last battle of T'leth has severely damaged Earth's biosphere. As a result, several self-contained Megalopolis-type cities were proposed to provide habitation for humanity. The game follows Mega-Primus, the first of these cities, built over the ruins of Toronto, Canada. Meanwhile the off-world colony of Mars is exploited by the Elerium mining corporation, Solmine, and oppressed by MarSec (MARs SECurity).

The alien threat in the game is presented by a new race of organic, extradimensional aliens that initially seem to have no relation to the aliens of the previous two games, though later missions set in the aliens' home dimension reveal they have enslaved Sectoid survivors. These new aliens attack the city through tetrahedron-shaped teleport gates. The player must find out how to send their own aircraft, along with X-COM agents, through these gates without being destroyed and take the war to the aliens. Apocalypse has 14 races of alien beings including Anthropods, Brainsuckers, Hyperworms, Megaspawns, and Micronoids. Each race has various strengths and weaknesses, and some races are dependent on other races. The "alien life cycle" plays a crucial role in the game.[...]

They kinda put their own twist in there however. And they're re-using the aliens from the very first game, like the snakemen (snakewomen here).

They also seem to have taken the whole "x-com invades the alien's base" thing a bit further here. With xcom literally having a huge flying base like an alien spaceship..

But regardless. I have no ideas why, but I approve of shapely snakes XD And I love how they actually look a hell of a lot better than the original design for them in X-Com: UFO Defense!

Hopefully XCOM2 will be great ! :D

And now I feel like playing X-Com : Apocalyspe XD

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