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Star Fox Zero Gameplay Discussion


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Thread for gameplay discussion in SFZ.

Edited by DZComposer
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I'm kinda worried about the gyro/motion controls. But hey, Captain Toad had those and it was awesome, so I won't judge until I can actually mess with it. That said;


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I was surprised by the name Zero... But also glad maybe it will have new and old gameplay mechanics that make it great for all types of Star Fox players. 

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The game looks fun, but it doesn't appear to have any continuity to the entire series. I am ok with a remake, but Miyamoto says that it is not a remake, nor is it a sequel. So what is it? It's Star Fox Zero.

Edited by Chrono Reaper
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The game looks fun, but it doesn't appear to have any continuity to the entire series. I am ok with a remake, but Miyamoto says that it is not a remake, nor is it a sequel. So what is it? It's Star Fox Zero.

​In the Treehouse stream he made it sound like a soft reboot. Like some sort of alternate continuity dealio.

Edited by Drasiana
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Things I liked 

The Transforming Land master and arwing caught my attention but that's about it. The game literally reminds me of Star Fox Command! From the logo Color to the stages.... 

Things I didn't like

The Arwing from Star Fox Adventures looked like it had more detail then this new Arwing.. The background music was a bit dull too.


Hopefully they polish this game before they release it... I'm no graphics whore but right now it looks like an old PS3 game

Edited by Joseph.
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This looks more mission driven and less story driven much like star fox 2. The walkers remind me of Star Fox 2 as well as the missions. I do like this game and I hope to see more soon.

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This looks more mission driven and less story driven much like star fox 2.

​I don't even know about that -- it seems like a very nice balance so far. We don't know exactly what it's about, but from what we've seen they REALLY nailed that cinematic vibe. We probably won't get many instances of long-ass cutscenes, but the story unfolds during the gameplay in a really satisfying way.

That bit with Pigma made me giddy, at least.

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They seemed to have changed their mind on making this an episodic from their last concept from last year. The way Miyamoto mentioned it this year, it is going to be a solid game title.

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I lost my god damn mind when I saw the trailer. I am super excited for this.

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so i'm guessing its peppy Falco Slippy and Fox right as for the team members?

​Yeah, and Andrew and Pigma are back on Wolf's team

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"The biggest thing this time is that there are no bombs this time. You have to aim."


I can excuse dull graphics and whatnot but no Bombs in a Star Fox game??? :'/

Maybe there are new items that replace the bomb?

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I have to admit, I was afraid for a while after hearing that you can control the ship and aim in different directions, but it looks like they found a way to pull it off.  It appears as though aiming does work the normal Star Fox way, but can also be manually controlled with the gamepad.  When they first announced the feature, I thought it'd be more akin to Kid Icarus: Uprising.  I am now glad they are going this directin.

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no bombs? oh well. I guess that is the sacrifice they had to make for the walker mode. I don't mind it getting more mission/gameplay based than story based since, what matters is gameplay. Now don't get me wrong, i love me some story in starfox but the gameplay is what should always come first. and I can safely say I'm happy with it so far.

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no bombs? oh well. I guess that is the sacrifice they had to make for the walker mode. I don't mind it getting more mission/gameplay based than story based since, what matters is gameplay. Now don't get me wrong, i love me some story in starfox but the gameplay is what should always come first. and I can safely say I'm happy with it so far.


Star Fox 2 had arwings that transformed into walkers too and they shot bombs... Nova Bombs are a staple to the Star Fox series, there's no excuse for leaving them out

I still can't believe there's no online multiplayer. It would of expanded the game's life. I mean, a Star Fox game without dog fights? without online dog fights in the year 2015??? Imagine Mario Kart 8 & Smash 4 without online....

This Nintendo E3 was a huge troll mess


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