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Scourge is gonna do a podcast


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I'm gonna try to get a recording session going in the skype chat when I get back from class (est 10:00-ish EST today)

If you wanna join in, just be there when I start. No real format, basically just discussion about what we've seen so far.


I'll be recording and editing the whole thing when we finish up and, depending on the amount of time it takes, I should be finished with it by.. tomorrow I wanna say?


anywho: people I've got confirmed for showing:






Post and whatnot if ya can make it. Should be fun if nothing else.


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7PM PST? I can try to make that...

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Alright so

I'ma push the scheduled recording back another day to see whom else I can get to be around


Shooting for about 9:00 pm EST tomorrow (6/17/2015)


Furthermore: I'ma establish some ground rules with this if I'm doing it:


I am recording and editing this; I need to keep it at least partially sane so I'd really like it if people kept it respectful and whatnot.

I need to be in control of the call, so if things get too rowdy as we tend to get, I will start kicking people. Don't worry, it's just for the purposes of the recording, you'll get added back later.

If you have too much background noise, I'll either mute or kick you. Sorry but if I can't hear actual discussion over your blender running on a treadmill while walking 17 yappy pomeranians, then there's a problem.

What I'm trying to achieve here is a basic-first impressions discussion on what we've seen so far and what we know about Starfox Zero. If you have nothing to contribute, don't just hop in and blather about nothing; that's not what the call is for.

If I call for everyone to quiet down and to hear what someone in particular has to say, I need you all to respectful of that and follow through. I've got about 500g free of harddrive space, and a 3 hour recording with my current settings wont even put a dent in that. Don't worry, we've got time.


Edited by Scourge
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I'll probs jump in by phone and give some 1 minute nirvana prophecy and enlighten you all. <3 bæ. 


Spåčęđœģ Dingaling

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yeah so

where are y'all


EDIT: Okay so, pushing it back one final day.


thursday at approx 7/8-ish EST


Basically just gonna talk about what we all thing about what we've seen so far with StarfoxZero


If it's just me there, I'm just gonna record myself making farting noises. Not pushing this back again

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