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Zaphyr Stone

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"It's 'do no harm' not 'do no wrong'" Alek retorted. He didn't know why he was acting so giddy. Maybe it was all this adrenaline. People crashing through windows, myths coming to life, all these possible opportunities for his research. It was certain bliss for him. Yet he remembered to dial it back. Collected and cool, now's the time to yang any information out of this creature. 

By now the creature was awake but hadn't said anything. "Alright lad. Why don't we start off with who we are..." Alek trailed.

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"We'll make it. Just don't stop. Don't let them scare you." Zefran puffed as he ran.

Truth be told, he had no idea if they would make it. It was increasingly looking like they wouldn't, but he couldn't be taken in again. It simply wasn't an option.

"Where's your car? We need to lose them once we get in. I know a place, so I'll direct you."


The world slowly swirled back into focus, sounds and shapes and colors realigning. Sitka's head hung low as he came too. Slowly raising his head again, he looked around to see a group of new faces. The girl from earlier was gone, much to his relief. He noticed his restraints and began to pull sharply at them. He had to get back to her. There was no telling if she might plan to do something stupid.

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"It's near the hospital entrance, like I said," Amelia panted. She glanced behind her to see if they were still being pursued. She didn't see anyone, but that didn't mean they were in the clear. While running, she pulled off her track suit jacket, revealing a red satin camisole, and wadded it up in her arm and proceeded to pull down her ponytail. "We can probably lose him in the parking lot."

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"Agreed," he nodded, "Stay close."

Looking back, Zefran was relieved that their number of pursuers had dwindled down to one. He looked intimidating, but Zef knew all his bulk could work against him. Keeping a hold on Amelia, he began cutting sharp turns between cars, around corners. Anywhere he thought they made slide through fairly easily, he took it.

"You're gonna have to direct me." He told her quickly, "Are we close?"


Aura spotted the chase from her hidden perch on one of the building's blind spots, and she zeroed in on the lone pursuer. She didn't intend to harm him, but she had to stop him. Zefran had to be allowed to get away from prying eyes. Picking a good spot in his path, she quickly swooped down and made a swift landing a few feet from him.

"That's far enough!" Her voice was firm and held a strong authoritative presence as she stared him down.

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Tiger came to an abrupt stop, though he skidded a foot or two, with very little distance between him and the new Katheeri from earlier. "Far enough for what?!" Tiger barked in a more authoritative voice than hers. "So you can put him and yourself in further danger?  I'd rather not bring harm to you, but if it means keeping you, Zef, and the other Katheeri safe from those who would take advantage of you for their own purposes, then I will put you down." Tiger took up a fighting stance, flexing his muscles, and showing there was clear power behind them.  He was after all, much bigger than her, and he believed he'd be physically more powerful too, since he had managed to, with difficulty, take down opponents six times his own size and weight.  But then, there was a bit of cautiousness to him, as he didn't know the full extent of a Katheeri's energy projection abilities.  She may well be able to overwhelm the reflector unit on his left hip, so he decided that it would be used as a last resort option.  At any rate, he was ready to face her, and bring her down if he had to. "Help me to stop this before it goes too far, and he risks getting captured by someone with hostile intent, like Andrew's army sympathizers."

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"You act like we're helpless. Have we given you any indication that we are incapable of protecting our own?" She watched him levelly, "This has escalated because of me, and I take responsibility for that. But you're getting in over your head. Let him go. I won't ask again. I'm just as ready to take you on as you are me."

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"I see talk won't end this." Tiger said, clearly seeing she wouldn't back down. "So I'll let my fists do it for me!" He immediately charged at her, making a swing right for her face in an attempt to knock her out with a strike to the head.  Or at least knock her to the ground where he intended to give her face a little bit of a pounding in order to make her lose consciousness.  That all depended on if she could evade his punch.

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"Yeah, I think," Amelia said. She took out the key fob and pressed a button on it. A vehicle's horn chirped in the vicinity. "I think its a couple of rows over."

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Alek waited patiently for a moment or two. His nose flared as he breathed a little more heavily that usual. "Hey!" He said snapping his fingers. He was eager and nervous. He didn't know how much time the group of them had until security or cops cake rushing in. 

"Everything all in there?" Alek said again lightly slapping the beings face. "Do ... You ... Understand ..." Slowly speaking, similar to how one talks to a child.

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As swiftly as his fist came at her, Aura's wings of light curled around her in time to shield her. He wouldn't be hurt, just deflected. He seemed justifiably agitated. She and Sitka has caused quite a stir. If she could keep him occupied long enough for Zefran to get away, it would be worth it.


Zefran heard the chirping nearby and followed it to the car. His eyes widened at the sleek form. 

"Nice ride!" He smiled almost approvingly, "Let's hurry. We lost them for now, but they won't stay away for long."


Sitka grunted irritably as he was slapped around by the doctor.

"Do that again, and you won't have a hand to draw back." He growled.

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Tiger's withdrew his fist after it was deflected.  In his anger, he had forgotten about those wings.  He did learn one thing though, they definitely could be used for defense.  But just how far did that defense go?  He then dropped, and attempted a sweep kick to drop her that way.  There was, after all, only so much of herself she could cover.


"Okay, that qualifies as harm!" Hawk said, with clear irritation at Alek's handling of Sitka.  More so that the guy might go into a rage and break the restraints if they weren't strong enough. "Lay off the prisoner, Doctor Demonicus.  Doin' wrong also counts as doin' harm.  Who the Hell certified you anyhow?"

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"Some certifier that I didn't care to remember," he said turning back to Sitka. "But now that you mentioned it..." Alex leaned back onto a stool as he trailed off. He had a little cough as he fell into the chair with a this. "It would be nice to have a new hand." 

He unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeve, revealing a sleek black mechanical arm. He gave it a whirl, turning his hand counter clockwise. He gave a wry look, pleased with the clockwork motion of his hand, the light murmur of the gears. The hand stopped as he set his hand on his leg.

"But before I can do that, I need to understand who you are and what are you doing?" He leaned in just a wee bit.

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Amelia unlocked the doors and hopped into the executive compact SUV. She tossed her jacket into the back seat and waited for Zef to get in. "Get in the back seat and duck down."

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Renard's ear pricked as his comm went off,  his hand moving to the back of his right ear as he answered.

"Renard Arsene Adventuring License: Bronze 50." he stated flatly, almost indifferent to the voice of the (hopeful) cornerian guildmaster flooding hs ear.

"Save me the formalities, Renard. This Contract can actually secure us a physical location on Corneria. So it's of paramount import that you do NOT fuck this up."

"Understood." Renard said, grinding his teeth at this asshole somehow making Silver Licensing and by extention, being his superior. Ren suspected that money had changed hands to make that happen.

"The CDF has caught wind of a pursuit looking like your first lead. It's out in front of the Corporate park, due east."

Ren began moving as quickly as he could, electing to take his minimal briefing on the go.

"so. Tell me your mission, just so i know that you know."

" Ascertain the existence of Aeolius, in the Event that it is more than just myth, which it usually is, Get there and open a diplomatic channel for the Lylatian Alliance First, any Axian interests are secondary."

"Good... and?"

"Preservation is paramount, Put down Any attempts to destroy the floating city or harm the populace, and i'm cleared to use my full potential to do so."

"Excellent. You may think i'm an asshole.. cause i am, Renard. But your survival is slightly more important than my machinations. you're one of our most promising adventurers, if you have to abort, do so. this has to be done smart, not hard and i'd rather not lose one of the guild's more lucrative members."

Renard Rolled his eyes as he turned into the entrance of the Corporate district. 

"Understood. Commencing Leve."

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"Got it! Don't wait for me, just go." Zefran called back as he hurtled into the back seat of the SUV and plastered against the bench.

For extra measure, he pulled her jacket over him and curled up as tight as he could beneath it. It didn't cover much, but there was no harm in some extra effort.


Aura yelped as she was knocked off her feet and landed on her back. With a growl, she scrambled to her feet quickly and lashed out a wing to swat at him. She had to keep him here.


"There's not much to tell." Sitka smirked at the doctor's cool and level tone. He wouldn't be scared easily, "I'm just a relic from an age long past come to tie up some loose ends. I didn't intend to cause so much chaos, but things are out of my control now."

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That swat was a mistake, as it only got Tiger more angry when it hit him.  He lunged for her after, and attempted to punch her in the face with his fist.  At the least, she was keeping him here, though it would be a good question of whether it was worth it or not...


Hawk looked at Alek with a rather droll expression, not the least bit amused by this.  He then heard what Sitka said, but he chose not to react this time.  He was wondering when someone would show up though, as this was getting weirder and weirder...  Fortunately, someone did...

"Damn yuppies and their over-youthful energy..." Copper said as he walked back to the door of the room to check in on Hawk, and see if anyone had returned yet.  He himself had failed to find Zef and that girl who ran away with him.  He only hoped that the others were having success.  That was when he he saw what was going on. "What in Tarnation?  Why is he awake now?!!" He said, referring to Sitka.

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Admiral Chmielnicki was in his personal motorcade, riding down Hemingway Boulevard. It was only moderately populated with traffic, and the admiral's motorcade itself only consisted of his sedan and an SUV filled with CDF soldiers leading it. However, as they passed a rather large alleyway, a large garbage truck emerged from the small and unused back street, and rammed into the SUV without warning. The vehicle and its occupants were out of commission. The truck stopped right in front of the admiral's sedan. It was too late for the driver to brake, and the vehicle collided with the side of the truck.

A Ruthenian with brown scales hopped out of the driver's cab wearing a gas mask that covered his face, and hiding his identity. He wore the uniform of a sanitation worker. This Ruthenian approached the sedan with the goal of capturing Adm. Chmielnicki. The driver attempted to stop him, however, and although slightly dazed, got out of the totaled car and pulled his sidearm. The Ruthenian kidnapper, however, with his blaster already drawn, set it to stun and shot down the driver. He was knocked out. The Ruthenian then approached the passenger window where the admiral was ducked down. He kicked the window, breaking the glass. However, Adm Chmielnicki was ready, and pulled out his personal sidearm and fired. The kidnapper, with lightning reflexes, moved before the admiral could fire, and dodged the blast. He grabbed the admiral's forearm and partially pulled him out. He broke the admiral's wrist, causing the officer to cry out in agony and drop his blaster. He then pistol-whipped the Cornerian official and knocked him unconscious. The kidnapper dragged the admiral out of the window, and put him in the cab. He then went inside the truck, and sped down the street.


Pawel eventually got up, and staggered towards the SUV that began speeding away from the parking lot.

"Hey...!" began the stunned Pawel. "Get... back here! Shit...!" He tripped and fell to the ground once again.

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Amelia sped out of the parking lot, almost getting into an accident as she failed to yield at the stop sign. She took to the streets like a demon out of hell, as if she had lost her mind. And she did.

"Oh god, oh god...!" Her voice was beginning to crack as if she was on the verge of tears. "Oh my gaaaawwwwd we are in so much shit right now!!"

She knew they would throw her in jail and throw away the key now. She'd never see her kids again. Her life will be ruined! What has she done?

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"Pleeeeeease stop!" cried out Pawel. Despite being on the ground, he pulled out his AJM 6, a Ruthenian sidearm that looks too big to be classified as a sidearm. Fully automatic, capable of being suppressed, and accurate, more powerful, and all-around deadlier than its semi-auto predecessor, the AJM 5, this weapon was a potent dealer of death. However, Pawel did not seek to kill anyone... yet. He instead tried to shoot out the tires of the fleeing vehicle, but instead shot the rear of the car before he fell back to the ground.


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renard's ear perked at the sound of gunfire, and screeching tires. He considered a moment and decided to tear off after the sound of friction and rubber.

"Bagh! Matron's teats!"  Renard swore as he he activated his hoverskates as he turned the corner to see 

" The fuck? is that a rental car?"  Renard didn't have the chance to question any further as it tore past him, prompting the lupine hero do the following once he got into position.

" this might hurt if i crash... " his boots hummed beneath him. "G-Diffusers at maximum power!"  With an unholy whirring and a metallic, -chnk!- Renard took off like a gunshot after the suv, merely seeing if anyone was in trouble, or to divert people from harms path if he had to.

" Hey! hey Wait!" He cried, skating along with trails of blue light being layed underfoot by gravitic interference.

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Zefran's brow furrowed in confusion as he heard a voice outside the car. Why did that sound so close? They were moving like a bat out of hell.

Cautiously, he poked his head up to see if he could find the source. His eyes widened in alarm at what was clearly a young fox bulleting his way after them...on his own?

"What the hell?" He murmured.


Aura let out an involuntary squeak as she barely evaded his blow. His claws still managed to make contact, and she winced as she felt them rake across her short muzzle.

She couldn't stay, but leaving was now more complicated. If she could just immobilize him for a minute, she could leave without hurting him. Steeling herself, she reached in, placed a hand on each cheek and planted a kiss on his lips.

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That was far from what he was expecting to happen.  While he didn't relax, it certainly made him jolt as he attempted to put some distance between her and himself, and break the kiss at the same time.  He didn't know what she intended, but he needed to get some distance, and now.

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Pawel once again pulled himself to his feet, and was slightly dumbfounded by this sudden act of romance between Tiger and the Katheeri.

"That's actually pretty hot," he said, casually walking towards them with a limp, putting his blaster back into his holster. "But ah, can you do this later? We have a kid to catch who's running away with some c--t that I really feel like shooting in the face." He stopped about a meter away from them, his face bandages red with his blood. He panted, exhausted from being battered twice in as many days.

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Amelia barreled down the avenue at a brisk fifty-five miles per hour, exceeding the speed limit by twenty. She figured she ought to slow down so as not to attract attention. She heard her passenger mumble something, and then happened to glance in the rear-view mirror.

She double-took. "What in the hell?" She turned all the way around to look out the rear glass. They were going nearly sixty, and someone was chasing behind them! On skates! "Hang on!" she said to her passenger. Then she made a tire-squealing right onto a thoroughfare towards a tunnel and gunned it. "I suggest you buckle up back there." 

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"And what might those loose ends be?" He was irritated at Sitka's response. It's obvious that simple talk was not going to be enough to pry any useful information and all this commotion was distracting. He inhaled. Exhaled. And lost the grin.

"Because, if I may, analyze our issue here..." He stood up and stepped back a little closer to Copper who entered but kept his distance. "Right now you have just broken through a window into a room of a suspect of interest. Which personally doesn't look good..." He moved from Sheperd to Hawk, never making eye contact but a fluttering gaze, an invitation to the conversation. "And I think we can agree that the police will not take kindly to these events. I don't know your plan but I doubt it's behind a gate and a locked grid."

He returned to Sitka. He had no expression. Blank. "Cooperation appears to be in all our interests."


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