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a little review of Star Fox Zero


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let's see................how can i start this

1st of all since last wednesday i travel to my nation capitol because an event like gamescon but Chilean edition call Festigames was started the thursday in the afternoon and a Nintendo booth is showing 3 of this E3 games exclusive on this event, one of them as you can see in the imgs is obviously Star Fox Zero, and i want to share my impressions


1st impression seeing the game on tv and is was i thinking it when i saw it on the E3 trailer, IS NOT 64 OR 64 3D GRAPHICS, the game looks better an ever for the series

2nd impression is about controller, most buttons as warned by miyamoto on E3 is swapped form previews games like the ZR is now the button to shot and charge shots, X and B buttons are used to somersaut and u-turn respectively , Y button transform the Arwing into the bird type (the name i don't remember right now) and ZL sometimes is used to "cinematics view" and in this mode you must use both screen to take control of the Mission situation and aiming using the gyroscope in the Wii U Gamepad and this last one if you don't handle in the first try this will become the most difficult thing to control

3rd impression the lore, this is deffinitly a reboot, one of the mission available is Corneria and it's feel like you playing a remade version of the 64 course untli the All-Range Mode before the boss when you have there a quick objetive task before facing Androsa, the 1st boss.




that's all i can remember an recall of 2 days of playing at least one time on each day, i hope this gives you and idea of what is on the game already


that's all

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