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The fears and phobias thread


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This is a thread for you to share any fears or phobias you have. Let's start off with me.

I have a fear of heights and a fear of bees and wasps, I also have a fear of tornadoes, I remember I was awake in my room one night while a severe storm was raging outside, I didn't care for it, until the thought of a tornado crossed my mind, and I felt scared.

I also have a fear of being considered "weak" or a "weakling".

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I got a fear of insects and arachnids. Not totally spooked but if they get close or are able to touch me I freak. I love most insects and spiders but watching is good enough.

I also fear heights, but only in like skyscrapers. I love flying, I love standing next to the edge hiking in the Mountains but if someone or I stand too close to a ledge or into the skybox in Chicago I get jittery.

That's all I can think of right now. There's probably some deep inner fear I have that I just don't know yet. 

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Of all creatures in movies, I'll let you guess for one second what terrifies me the most.

"Is it Frankenstein?" Ye- no. :lolhyst: Try again.

"Is it Jeepers Creepers?" Good guess (Dat DVD main menu in JC2...).

The most scariest creature I've ever seen is none other than the Jurassic Park III Male Velociraptor. "O_o Huh?" My childhood made it that way after seeing the intro to the DVD main menu. This video should help describe it in detail (WARNING: This is NOT for the faint of heart. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0EJ969_BXg 

It haunted me ever since I was a child. In my dreams, the only thing scarier than t-rex or a bunch of insects was that Raptor, and to this day, watching that intro today, IT STILL SCARES ME! Nowadays, nothing in even a horror movie scares me more than what they tend to show in the main menus! Land Of The Dead, Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2, EVEN Shaun of the Dead has a hauntingly scary menu! Nothing compares anymore! If I have the DVD, the movie does not compare, whether it's supposed to or not. THAT's why I'm freaking scared of the JP3 Velociraptor. 

... Thank you.

Edited by amcintyr9998
Got something else to add.
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I have a fear of going down stairs... I know... I am so awkward. But there is a reason behind it. When I was very young, my grandmother fell down the stairs and broke her leg. I did not see it actually happen, but just the thought of it really spooked me! Then, when I was a bit older, my friend fell down the stairs at school, and I actually saw it happen! He didn't get hurt, but that memory haunted me for life, and it still haunts me today. Ever since then, I have been spooked of stairs. It isn't as bad as it was when I was like 9... I would refuse to walk down the stairs unless somebody held my hand. I am currently 13, and I can do it independently without much trouble, but I am still slow and careful.

I also have a huge fear of heights. I never played on the monkey-bars, fire-poles, or ladders on the playground. And if somebody would ever offer me a cake if I would go skydiving with them, I would refuse, no matter how tempting the cake was.

I also had a fear of Max's shadow in one of the Max and Ruby episodes. In the episode, they were camping outside. And when the sun went down, Max's shadow grew long. But here's the thing, Max had a straw hat on, and the shadow looked like some creepy shadow ghost thing to me.


And little 6 year-old me did not know it was just Max's shadow so I got really creeped out! But 13 year-old me recently searched up the episode again, and I was like "It was just Max's shadow!? Why was I so afraid that thing would appear out of nowhere and kill you when the sun goes down!?!?"

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Hey Kyubey, I do believe that is called Bathmophobia.

Here are some of mine:

Necrophobia- The fear of death.

Arachibutyrophobia- The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth. (I'm allergic to the stuff, so you can see how that would freak me out.)

Autodysomophobia- The fear that one is emitting a foul or vile odor. (You don't want to smell bad, you know?)

Automatonophobia- The fear of animatronic creatures.

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This gonna sound super dumb, but I'm actually afraid of birds. Like, they're beautiful and I love them a lot. But fuck. Can't handle them near me and all. Probably would lose it if they were a couple feet away. I think my worst fear involving that specifically is if one were to fly into my car as I was on my way somewhere. I feel like I'd be that idiot that drives off the road, only going faster because there's an effing bird in my car, clawing at my ears to set him free.

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I fear things that are beyond my ability to prevent. Natural disasters, war between nations, really bad drivers.

The fear of animatronic creatures.


yes, I will use this gif at every opportunity

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Remember a while back in the confessions thread that I said that the THX Deep Note scared the s**t out of me? Well, you'll be glad to hear that I'm slowly conquering it...

Oh yeah, and the Chozo ghosts from Metroid Prime 2 as well. I once made the mistake of not having enough energy and rockets first time I faced off against them. It took me 3 months to pluck up the courage for another assault...

Also, while I don't suffer from a full fear of heights, being high up and seeing the ground some 10 to 15 metres straight below kind of unsettles me, but not to the point to where I'm paralyzed with fear.



This gonna sound super dumb, but I'm actually afraid of birds. Like, they're beautiful and I love them a lot. But fuck. Can't handle them near me and all. Probably would lose it if they were a couple feet away. I think my worst fear involving that specifically is if one were to fly into my car as I was on my way somewhere. I feel like I'd be that idiot that drives off the road, only going faster because there's an effing bird in my car, clawing at my ears to set him free.

Don't worry, this macaw here'll be gentle with you.

Edited by Clearwater
Noticed FalconLover's post and couldn't resist replying to it
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I live in a region of Brazil that doesn't get especially bad cases, but extreme weather hits a wrong chord in me. Especially high-speed winds that happen sometimes. I don't have a problem with the sound of a blizzard, or heavy rain with lots of wind, but strong wind alone is just unnerving for some reason.

It's more of a background angst than an all out fear but political tensions that might directly affect people I like make me feel terrible because and I quote, "men fighting for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in" is a nightmarish idea in my head considering that first, there's never been a war without innocent casualties so everyone loses someone important on both sides anyway and second, the status quo will be maintained by people unwillingly fighting because of conflicting bullshit leaders that can't do things without resorting to war and being enough assholes to use anyone but themselves for the task. That's no better than being a fucking Reaper-controlled husk.

I, for one, welcome our new, dubstep-death-cannon-firing overlords instead.

Also being unable to help the people I like live out of it or make anyone see it's all bullshit makes me feel powerless. But I'll change subjects before this goes the Counter-Point route and a mod feels DIRECT INTERVENTION IS NECESSARY.

Sudden loss of telecommunications deserves mention. Literally half of the people I know are online, and here I share ideas I can't share IRL and meet people from different places and cultures, which is hard to come across in a arguably semi-xenophobic country. If word ever gets out that they're shutting down everything and blocking internet country-wide I'll probably go mad and suicide and go in a fit of blood rage running up to the congress with a krogan shotgun. In that particular order.

Also the loss of being cut contact with people I like or that I have something to settle with. Even if I'm not the best friend of a person I won't just ignore their existence, and I'll try to stay in decent terms at least if it was a friend I had a falling out with. I'd just very much prefer to settle things and say a proper goodbye to everyone before something world-shattering happens or they/I die. It's like they say-- I don't want to wait for people to die to say nice things to them.

Probably because in general the feeling that I really hate yet fear most is loneliness. Even being a misanthrope and I often can stand being on my own, I'm not antisocial and I wouldn't see myself living literally isolated from everything else. I'm more than willing and able to talk to people, share and discuss, likely argue a bit in case of conflicting ideas but all in a healthy sense and keeping personal feelings at bay. The literally worst thing that could happen to me is if I was the last person on earth or castaway survivor of a crash or something like that. Hell, even if I fell in a goddamn alien planet I'd already suffice to have some sort of intelligent, somewhat communicable life to socialize with. I probably wouldn't last an hour before I fell into a vegetative state if I ever got in a hopeless lonesome situation.

Maybe also a little too much afraid of hornets, bees, painful-encounter insects in general.

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The thing that scares me most, if oblivion. And what I mean is, the idea that when we die, we're gone, poof, end of existence. Hell would be dandy by comparison, because at least then one continues to be. This actually is why Lucatiel of Mirrah is my favourite Dark Souls 2 character:


My thoughts…are very…scattered…
What is this curse?
The question rings in my mind, but I haven't the focus to answer it.
Loss frightens me no end. Loss of memory, loss of self.
If I were told that by killing you, I would be freed of this curse…
Then I would draw my sword without hesitation.
I don't want to die, I want to exist.
I would sacrifice anything, anything at all for this.
It shames me, but it is the truth.
Sometimes, I feel obsessed… with this insignificant thing called "self".
But even so, I am compelled to preserve it.
Am I wrong to feel so? Surely you'd do the same, in my shoes?

Maybe we're all cursed…
From the moment we're born…


I know it's just simple vanity that leads to it, and if it were true it wouldn't really matter because if you did cease to exist, well, you wouldn't really worry about anything, now would you? But still, it's the main thing that keeps me up at night.


As for actual phobias, a bit like mega-thalassophobia, the fear of large things underwater, and submechanophobia, fear of man-made things underwater. Don't mind 'em fully submerged, with my perspective on an even plane, but large things just under the water's surface gives me the heebie-jeebies. I am ok with this:




But this can cause my back muscles to clench up, if it catches me by surprise:




I am also a bit bothered by suddenly deep water, such as sinkholes or undersea cliffs.






Other than that, I have a touch of claustrophobia. Elevators/closets are fine and all, but a loss of my ability to move makes me incredibly uncomfortable right up to panicky, depending on the severity. Basically, fuck a whole lot of this:


But I guess it was his hole, it was made for him.

Edited by Vy'drach
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I live in a region of Brazil that doesn't get especially bad cases, but extreme weather hits a wrong chord in me. Especially high-speed winds that happen sometimes. I don't have a problem with the sound of a blizzard, or heavy rain with lots of wind, but strong wind alone is just unnerving for some reason.

Well, I did hear that the part of Brazil you live in is known for being very windy and rainy.

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