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SFZ Delayed to Q1 2016


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A Message from Mr. Miyamoto Regarding Star Fox Zero

I made a big decision last week.

We have been developing Star Fox Zero for Wii U with the aim of releasing it this year. Although we felt that the development had been progressing well, we now believe that we will need a little more time to work on areas such as the unprecedented discovery that we want players to experience in the game by using two screens, and further polishing the level designs and perfecting the tone of the cut scenes. While we have already reached the stage where it would be technically possible to release the title in time for the year-end holiday season, we want to polish the game a bit more so that players will be able to more smoothly grasp the new style of play that we are proposing.

To the people looking forward to the launch of the game this holiday season, I am very sorry.

Star Fox Zero is going to bring new game play and experiences that take it far beyond the framework established by Star Fox 64. All the members of the development team are doing our best so that the final product will not betray your expectations. And the game will not be delayed for a very long time – we’re aiming to launch the game in Q1 2016. Please stay tuned for further announcements.

Delays mean more time to improve and for me to actually put aside some money for a WiiU so not as bad as it could be!

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Although this is disappointing, honestly, part of me was hoping they would delay it. Although a game like Star Fox doesn't need as much development time as a game like Zelda, the kinda short dev time and Miyamoto's emphasize on getting it out as soon as possible had me a tad worried. I am glad they are taking their time to make it the best game it can be, and hopefully Star Fox's return to form.

Edited by Pgpaw3
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Hype. This is a good decision for Nintendo. Gives them more time to hype and polish it. Skipping on a holiday launch isn't a small thing either, they must be having some serious issues. Or maybe, just maybe, they're listening to feedback from the fans.

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Well, as disappointing as this seems, this decision made my life a little easier now regarding various gaming decisions in the long run. I'm really hoping we need not wait too long into the beginning of next year to actually get our hands on the game. This is also a good opportunity for the game to look far better than its E3 demo.

A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.

~ Shigeru Miyamoto, 2012

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Hearing about game being cancelled: Bad; lost hope, kills hype, lowers credibility and feeling of compromise to consumer base.

Hearing about game being delayed: Good; implies still having work in progress, compromise to delivering satisfactory experience, hardly a problem.

Also, I'll pick apart every little word because I'm a whiny little b--

"far beyond the framework established by Star Fox 64" | "the final product will not betray your expectations"

That and the confirming of cutscenes puts hopes a little higher. I'm not having expectations on the level of a huge story-driven hit title with big choices but if there's going to be a tangible storyline, then I'll be all over the thing. If they feel like they need more time and want to perform some changes, then they can take their time. At least that's what I can make of this kind of decisions so if they'll follow that direction or not I can't tell, but that's what I can guess.

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Yeah, I guess I'll be fine with this, if only so that people outside of here can finally be quiet about the graphics. Also, I need to save as well. Still have to worry about paying my tuition for college, and I've been spending a lot on eShop and Wii Shop Channel content as well.

Nevertheless, I'm still getting this game when it comes out. MARK MY WORDS.

"Do a barrel roll!"

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I honestly felt the E3 release date of what, Holiday 2015? Was way too soon to get it out. We just got our first look this summer and all after all, and while I am hype for the game the E3 stuff did not look like a finished product.

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Well, first Mighty No. 9, now Star Fox Zero...so I am a bit more disappointed, after two games got deleayed I was really looking forward to. It's cool though. xD Oh well, gives me time to get those Star Fox plushies, once they get released and perhaps get one of the other games I was thinking to try out. =D

Well..now Nintendo, I am awaiting a game that blows my mind! =D

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Oh look.

More time to save.

I'm okay with this.

G Nintendo no re.

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I'm actually kind of happy, they aren't trying to rush it like they did with Assault, Miyamoto knows people want a quality Star Fox game, so I am glad their putting more time into it. 

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I am kinda disappointed, but also excited! They now have time to add new features, polish the game, fix bugs, etc.

But what grinds my gears is that one source is saying "Players can dive into Mario Maker to tide them over before launch". And I have no interest in Mario Maker whatsoever... I actually don't have any interest in Mario at all, mainly because imo the franchise just plain overrated, and I generally don't play games I consider overrated... I just prefer the underdogs... (Or 'underfox' in this case)!


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More time for additions and polishing is certainly a good thing to hear. 

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This is great!! I always thought the e3 demo looked  a bit rushed for a holiday release. 

Now the dev team can improve gameplay mechanics and provide more enemies on screen! (Since the e3 demo stages looked bland and unenergetic)

I've probably never been so happy for a delayed game until now lol

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I can't help but think the delay may have been partially due to the huge amount of competition for games coming out that time, such as Fallout 4.

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Well, at least they can polish everything up even more, as well as add new content.

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Nintendo should take this time to remove google glass from every Star Fox member unless you can record the action  and share it with friends.

Edited by Joseph.
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Headset scouters are cool and you're lameo for not liking them Joseph >:VVVVV

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Oh yeah? well.... you're a lameo for...... liking them! lol I don't mind the scouters on Fox or Falco but Slippy looks like a dweeb.

Oh, and I hope the art team goes for a similar design like Assault, your favorite game >:)

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At least still something to look forward to. At least it is the first quarter of 2016. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

In addition to the touchups and more polished look, Platinum's recently stated that the delay is to also help them provide a more "Platinum Feel" to the game


which is either a good or bad thing depending on what you think of the company. Personally I'm was always fond of how lively Platinum games are, and if there was ONE thing I had a gripe about SFZ's demos, was that at times the game felt a little barren. Not to say it hasn't been looking great to begin with, of course, but there's definitely more they can do to make it better. If Bayonetta 2's Star Fox minigame can look and play as gorgeously as it does on the Wii U, so can Star Fox Zero!

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I have one question:


What on God's green Earth is Q1?

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