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Site Content - Let's make SF-O Awesome!


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A big part of my vision for SF-O is the main site. I have been in a leadership position at SF-O for nigh-on 10 years now, and SF-O is no closer to that vision now than it was 10 years ago. It's mostly my fault. I haven't put in the requisite work. But it's fucking time. Star Fox deserves a quality fansite, and with SFZ around the corner it is time to get off my ass and make SF-O what I've always wanted it to be. Especially since I'm paying for this site and can barely afford to do so. May as well make it worth it.


I love you guys, and the community will always be what makes SF-O great. But what would take SF-O from great to awesome is some kick-ass site content that would attract new members and hopefully restore SF-O's Google ranking to the front page again.

I'm really seriously going to need help to do this, though. I need help writing articles. I an going to need help cataloging the SFAd voice clips.

I also want to do something similar to what Zelda Dungeon does with their "ZD Talks" feature as well as bring back the original SFOCast discussion podcast on a monthly basis.

We're also going to need guides. We're going to need media. I need to create some way to let people post fanfics that's better than a forum post (Perhaps this will mean developing my own IPS4 App).

Star Fox does not currently have an awesome fansite. We're sitting here with the tools to build one. A sleek, modern site engine. A close-knit community that has skills and opinions.


Please post your ideas and if you wish to help in this thread.

Edited by DZComposer
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Step 1:

Acknowledgement that the Community Content Initiative (CCI) has been a failure. The reason for the failure: lack of direction and focus from me and others. As a result, the CCI is now done a closed. The CCI board will soon be deprecated.

Step 2:

A new project: Project Krazoa God is being formed. The name comes from the ending of Star Fox Adventures. Andross announces his rebirth. Since this will be a rebirth of sorts for SF-O, I like the name.

Project Krazoa God (PKG) will be a managed project. Instead of opening a board and asking for any and all content, PKG will determine content to develop, prioritize it, and track the progress. Suggestions will still be taken, and will be vital to the project, but things will be managed.

Step 3:

Creation of the PKG Tracker. There will soon be a section of the site called "PKG Tracker." This will list tasks by their importance, who has taken/been assigned them, and the status of said projects.

Edited by DZComposer
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It's like I'm surfing the net 2001 style again, let's do this shit.



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Holla Holla fuck work.

Time to bring back throw back holla back $420.

EDIT: It's also might be a good idea to set-up a skype meeting to go over the plan in whole.

Edited by Dr. Orange
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I want to help. I would love to work on anything involving Starfox Adventures. I will try my best.

And maybe I'll receive some help with my Ultimate Story in return.

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Guides you say? Sure, I might be able to whip up something on my tablet in my free time. I can also trawl around on French gaming websites, see if they have any new info on SFZ, and if they do, I can let you know.

EDIT: So. what I've been thinking is to start off with the original SF on SNES,  play back through it whenever I'm home and have spare time, then move onto SF64, and if I can get another DS, SF: Command. I'm also thinking that we should promote SF: Event Horizon if The Undying Nephalim allows us. Sound like a plan?

Edited by Clearwater
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So, by IPS4 app, do you mean a SFO app? Or is it something entirely different and I was being dumb?

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I could help! I'm not sure how considering I am not a computer genius (I am decent though). I could always help create guides, articles, etc. :)

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So, by IPS4 app, do you mean a SFO app? Or is it something entirely different and I was being dumb?

A fanfic manager app. You would post fanfics to it. People could comment on them. Potentially rate them if I decide to make the app public to other IPS 4 users (IPS 4 supports content rating, but I have it turned off for SF-O.).

And that's if I do it at all. It's a lot of work.

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Right, so I've found all of the old original manuals and such for the orignal SF on the Internet, so that'll give me a little heads up. I've got the game's Wikipedia page up, now all I need to do is decide on the format of the guide... What d'you think would work better DZ? A plain old .txt guide or a .html one with pictures and stuff?

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Hold on, we need to be orderly here.

http://www.starfox-online.net/pkg_tracker.html <- Go here and create a general task for the guide. Post your full idea in the task. Pleas note, though, that we cannot rip-off other sites. If you get your facts from another site, make sure there is proper sourcing going on and that you are not playing copypasta.

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