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The Forgotten Members

Arminius H O Fiddywinks

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Anyone remember Psy_Commando? He was the former head of the Lylat's Last Stand project...?

He's not dead.

He's here a lot. 

I'm talking to him right now.

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He's not dead.

He's here a lot. 

I'm talking to him right now.


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Psy_commando has posted pretty recently.  He's still active around here.


I wonder how Harlow is doing.  He hasn't been around for almost a year now.

Rusakov hasn't been around since early 2013.

Deploy/DeployItNow has been gone since late 2013. 

FoXXX, aka Wes, hasn't been here since early 2014.  He was always hilarious.

Star Fox Runner has been around practically forever, and does still drop by here and there.

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My god I wish I joined to see this guy. This is literally right before me and Milky migrated over here. Damn shame.

@Robert Monroe You were here. There are posts from you that pre-date this event.

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Other people that were stated in this thread:

Xort - The douche who we need to tie somewhere to keep him here. <3

Prince Elite - A strong mined dude who argued (And did not like pot). Got banned for something. Was trying to go pro in wrestling ... in Australia.

Romulian Ninja - One of the Soldiers in the SFO army. Took out many Charlies in Sha Kwo Lang. Became a bounty hunter after the war and plays the tune of hardball.

"User" - THE Krystal fanboy. Was a mod here for a good time, got into MLP and TF2 and completely vanished. I remember when he tryed bringing in his TF2 team to play us in SFO's server and we're all like "That would be bad."

Harlow - A venezuelan. Really cool user too. I think he's in school or something ... or might be a guerilla fighter in the conflict going there.

Rusakov - Really, really, liked Thundercats (Swat Kats? idk something furry related). Tried to get them back on air. MIA: 2012

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I don't think I've seen Patch93 around ever since last year...

Oh yeah, and Prince Elite. He went off the radar in 2014.

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BTW, I'm trying to get a complete list of former SF-O staff going, and I'm talking all the way back to the sf-o.com days.

I have:

  • Mr. Krystal
  • Steve
  • Sideways
  • XG Fox
  • Take Walker
  • Asper Sarnov
  • User
  • Julius Quasar

Funfact: Steve had the longest tenure as SF-O staff. He started as a moderator during the sf-o.com days.

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Rusakov - Really, really, liked Thundercats. Tried to get them back on air. MIA: 2012

Was it Swat Kats or Thundercats that he liked?  Or both?


BTW, I'm trying to get a complete list of former SF-O staff going, and I'm talking all the way back to the sf-o.com days.

I have:

  • Mr. Krystal
  • Steve
  • Sideways
  • XG Fox
  • Take Walker
  • Asper Sarnov
  • User
  • Julius Quasar

Funfact: Steve had the longest tenure as SF-O staff. He started as a moderator during the sf-o.com days.

Don't forget Sylum and Fira. 

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*sing-song voice* "Memories..."

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Shit, I do predate that thread. I'm getting internet Alzheimer's here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone remember Rusheo?

He doesn't post a whole lot but he's still around, at least so I think.


Honestly I forget that a lot of these guys are gone since I've kept in contact with them over Steam (or at least see them come online frequently). User was an interesting guy, hardcore brony, professional laser tag player, incredibly good TF2 player. Rusakov was pretty great, FoXXX led some pretty great moments. Harlow was dank, Romulan was and still is a hell of a lot of fun, him and I still need to finish the Battlefield 3 co-op mode together. Sabre was fun while he was around, shame he had to go. Asper was a fucking baller, I miss having him around.

Haven't seen him mentioned here yet, but I liked Milky while he was around. Some of the stuff he did definitely puts him in asshole-tier but he was fun to be around and could be a genuinely good guy. I don't know what happened to him, I think he unfriended me on Steam. Personal drama too strong. EDIT: He's changed his name, but he's still on my friends list on Steam. Must be a new account though. Haven't really talked to him in a long time.

SFO has changed a lot since I've been here. Feels weird man.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

It does feel weird. Alot has changed. Our love for Star Fox has not.

Edited by Sideways
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They say he still walks these halls. Hooded and cloaked. Ever waiting to take back his former glory.

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FYI, The Shaper, or Zewo, was the best internet dad I never asked for. He taught me how to post in color, introduced me to steam, and didn't judge me when I bought my first $8 virtual hat. He weird-ed me out every time and shoved exposure I never wanted down my throat which made me more. When I was feeling down he gave me a new username: "Gestalt", and when I was feeling great he made fun of me for having actually used that username.

Because of him, I got excited about maintaining a journal here that nobody ever reads, and I learned to embrace my mania rather than seek help.

Every time we played tf2, each of the two times, he reminded me with his throbbing skill of how I should stop trying because I would never be good enough. I know that is why he was always so oddly deep, because I'd never be his prodigy tf2-son. And so, I laid aside my image macros and funny.gif and took 2 years of Latin so I could match him on his intellectual tangents. That made him happy. Happy enough to never talk to me anymore because I had been good for him.

But most importantly he taught me how to leave SF-O peacefully, and that MilkyWay64 made not just me but all kinds of internet losers like me rage.

Whatever the last thing we argued about here was: He was so fucking wrong yet he got all the likes :( . I now know that he was trying to teach me a lesson about standing on my own two feet without funny.gif and bucket of reassuring likes. And that is the real reason he had to leave: so that I might blossom.



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FYI, The Shaper, or Zewo, was the best internet dad I never asked for.

Zero was a pretty cool guy. I'm not sure what came of him...

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*Starts humming "Wish You Were Here"*

Maybe not the most famous member of the site or highest ranking, but does anybody know if Chaos Leader is still around? We would read/review each other's fanfics and that dude is not only one of the most talented writers I've met, but he taught me a hell of a lot in regards to writing. I remember he would pop in and out ever once in a while (and maybe he still does - it's been a minute since I've been on here), but otherwise he steadily just kind of fell off the face of the site.

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Maybe not the most famous member of the site or highest ranking, but does anybody know if Chaos Leader is still around? 

Also an awesome musician, too. Chaos is pretty good.

But yes actually, he does still show up in SFO sometimes, rarely compared to as much as I hear it was before. You can still catch him on the chat or so if you're lucky when he shows up.


Two people I also remember from a while back are DoctorAllosaurus and R3dFiVe. I remember Doc mentioned he'd be doing some moving around and could stay off for a while, but I dunno what became of R3dFiVe. He was online for a few moments in August but didn't post anything.

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There was this one guy simply known as '_sniper' who was once king of the SFOConomy during it's days. I think he left when it shut down mid 2013, when I first arrived here.

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  • 1 month later...

I actually remember Arwing Landing a lot better since those were my most active days in the Star Fox fandom - I shudder to think of my younger, immature teenage self and all the useless posts that were made at the time (it was one of my first forums aside from Gaia Online). I wonder if anybody remembers afoxalypsenow and Blink (those are the only two names I can remember at the moment, the rest escape me).

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Erm... Rennard and Lay, anybody?

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Renard is still alive.

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20 hours ago, Arminius H O Fiddywinks said:

Renard is still alive.

Yes, I heard a song he did the other day. He seems to really like what he does. As for Lay, well, we can just say "he went to the next level"...

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