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Not sure exactly where to put this, but...

Guest Chiro-Chan

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Hi there. We all know the infamous mugshots from Star Fox 64, right? Well, I'm looking for some animated mugshots (especially one of James) for Arwing Landing, as Stealth (the guy who runs the place for those of you who don't know) is trying to add more animations to the main site, and because I really want to use James' talking mugshot on another site. If you could help, me and the folks back on Arwing Landing would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Yes, like those ones. thanks!

I'm looking for ones that are just a bit larger though, too. If you can round them all up, I'f really aprreciate it. Thanks!

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Thats how big they are when I pull them off the ROM, but I'll see if I can enlarge them some and get rid of the white line around them too.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Did you right click and view image?

Nevermind, I know where to find a better image. But I suppose you don't have to resize them yet, so I'll find a working image tomorrow.

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Okay, Yeah only see the image for a split second when I reload this page.


enlarged by 150




My gif animator left some real crap on the large image, and up sizeing the pic too caused the pixles to stretch in weird ways.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Well, I suppose you don't have to resize them. Just clear away the white stuff on the side. Honestly, you don't have to. ^^;

So, if you could just round up all of the images and clear away the white stuff, it'd be all good.

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Here ya go!


Foxcom1-1.gif -Fox

Peppycom2.gif- Peppy

Slippycom.gif- Slippy

Falcocom.gif- Falco



wolfcom.gif- Wolf

Leoncom.gif- Leon

Pigmacom.gif- Pigma


Androcom.gif- Andro

Rwolfcom2.gif- Robot Wolf

RPigmacom.gif- Robot Pigma

RLeoncom.gif- Robot Leon

RAndrocom.gif- Robot Andro


Boss1com.gif 1st Boss



Pilot2com.gif- Pilot

Pilotcom.gif- Pilot


BoatBosscom.gif- Boat boss

Robotcom.gif- Robot Boss



James1com.gif- Playable James

GenPeppercom.gif- General Pepper

Billcom.gif- Bill

Boos7com2.gif- Train Boss

Boss2com.gif- Astroid Boss

Fox1com2.gif- Before misson

BeforeMisson.gif- Before misson 2

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

now we have to wait and see if anyone can extract the soundclips...  :shock:

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Yes, and my vision is opal clear! =D

But, I'm talking about his mouth movements.

It looks like he's saying, "Gobble,Gobble,Gobble,Gobble,Gobble....."

Or do I just want thanksgiving to arrive already? D:

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