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SFZ Music


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IMHO the stuff Hajime Hirasawa composed for StarFox SNES is legendary! SF2 music was passable, but took a nose-drive in SF64 (ie. un-memorable). The new sountrack in SFZ is so Hirasawa-esque. Compare the mood/atmosphere of the Corneria orbit training level to SF SNES control selection menu:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOhlqbSsts (SFZ)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NuIPxOmpmc (SF SNES)

They're so spiritually similar! I call on the SFZ composer(s) very talented imitators of the great Hajime Hirasawa....

Edited by hirobo2
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The training mode BGM is a remix of the SF64 training mode.

Though, on the subject of SNES music, if you listen closely to the Corneria BGM you'll hear the SNES main theme, but in a minor key.

I'm really looking forward to this game's score.

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I am loving the new Corneria theme music. As soon as I heard it I was pumped. I want the soundtrack to come with the game that would be great. 

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The training mode BGM is a remix of the SF64 training mode.

Though, on the subject of SNES music, if you listen closely to the Corneria BGM you'll hear the SNES main theme, but in a minor key.

I'm really looking forward to this game's score.

How so?  Actually, the control select menu music was a poor choice.  The training level in SFZ sounded just like this SNES score instead:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8Dbh4gsKWU (SF SNES -- ending theme)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOhlqbSsts (SFZ)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kxt8BmfpDM (Final Fantasy theme)

SFZ starts off with that fluctuating string instrument sound just like the Final Fantasy overworld theme.  The equivalent in SF SNES is that fluctuating high pitch piccolo-like instrument shortly after the intro.   This would be the "mysterious UFO" part of the song.  Then both go into a sort of "parade"/march theme.  

Btw, what made SF SNES music the iconic phenomenon that it became was the combo of "mysterious UFO" elements combined with Star Wars imitation, and nothing else!   SFZ music just repeats that formula.  But instead of being a Star Wars imitation, it's now a combo of "mysterious UFO" elements mixed with Back to the Future!  Of course, this formula never happened for SF64, the composer(s) for that game basically said, "screw it, we know StarFox better than Hirasawa", which is why the result we got for SF64 became the most un-memorable pieces of melodies ever play within the SF universe!

Anyways, after listening SFZ music some more, I'm starting to see the problem with it.   Just like music from Tales of The EarthSea, which was NOT composed by Joe Hisaishi, who regularly does music for Ghibli animated movies, the music doesn't sound good after the second loop.  A tell-tale sign of masterfully crafted music is how good it sounds when repeated, something which music from Tales of the EarthSea was never particularly good at.  I mean you listen to things like NES Mario Bros 1 theme, and any score from SF SNES, you never get bored when they're endlessly loop.  Same with Joe Hisaishi composed soundtracks, they sound just as good on replay.   So, I would say the music from SFZ is good, but not great, which is why Hajime Hirasawa will forever remain the musical legend in the SF universe.  That's b/c part of the theme in the SFZ video towards the end of the Arwing's encounter with the Great Fox that kept on looping almost had me going zzzZZZ...

Also, I'm having a hard time picking out the SNES elements from the Corneria ground-level/main theme in SFZ.  It sounded like something from Back to the Future rather than SNES SF...


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How so? 


Because it is. You're so focused on the stylistic choices of the arrangement that you're missing the trees in the forest.

Listen for this melody at 2:08 in your original video:


That's the SF64 Training Mode melody. Yeah, it takes a while to get to the actual theme, but the chord progression behind it exists throughout the long intro.

Also, I take issue with your claims that SF64's score is not memorable or is somehow less "star fox" than the SNES score. For the longest time I preferred the SNES score until I started working with the SF64 music for various arrangement projects. It's much more musically complex and has a lot of great melodies and motifs. I do still like the SNES theme better, but overall I think SF64 was scored better. Hajime Wakai is a pretty good composer in his own right. He's also done work for the Zelda series, writing music for both Wind Waker and Skyward Sword. Hirasawa only worked on one other game, Time Twist, a Famicom Disk System game that was only released in Japan.

Edited by DZComposer
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