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3W Productions presents...


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Smash combo videos?

Well...not exactly...

Three steps to better Smash!

Yes, another Brawl translation.  So?

Action Replay?  Wuz dat?

How NOT to play Smash.


There's no wrong way to kill a top tier...


And my personal favorite...I can't even describe it.

Brought to you by the good folks in my dorm.  o_O

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Thanks alot Kal. Now, I'm going to think that those lyrics from the translation are what they're saying from now on. :nervous:


I thought those vids were cleverly put together. My fav being the second one.

The "Turnak, Turnak" one was.....interesting.....yeah interesting....>.>;

Still I enjoyed it!

Favorite line: "Wife on a video.....(s), I want it thrown on Venus."

I never get tired of that.

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