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Troubles with MIDI files



In my free time I like to put songs in 8-bits and since I'm lazy as f**k to do it note per note on Famitracker. I use a Japanese program to replace the instruments to Famicom set. And here comes the problem, when I convert regular mp3 to MIDI and put in that program .Surprise! Everything is mixed in the same line (even the percussion) and it sounds awful, anyone knows how do I separate the instruments?

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16 hours ago, navisXD said:

convert regular mp3 to MIDI

This is your problem, assuming you meant exactly that. Audio and MIDI are not the same thing. Audio is a recording of actual sound waves. MIDI is a data language that tells music equipment what to do.

You are NEVER going to be able to accurately convert polyphonic audio to a clean MIDI file because what has to happen. Each note needs to be listened to and its pitch determined. Simple enough, just compare the frequencies to the frequencies for notes. But determining WHAT each sound IS requires complex AI that does not currently exist outside of computer science laboratories.

Audio to MIDI is a very challenging programming problem. You will not get a good result from some free program you found on the internet somewhere.

Thus, the most reliable way to get MIDI from audio is to just suck it up and transcribe it using the sequencer of your choice. Music is not a hobby for the lazy.

Plus, you'll never get a true 8-bit sound from that anyway because most 8-bit systems had polyphony limits of like 3-5 notes. The NES, for instance, only had 2 square waves, a triangle wave, white noise, and an extremely crude sample player that was rarely used. You will never match that sound by simply converting even if perfect conversion existed.

tl;dr - Just get off your butt and transcribe the songs into Famitracker or whatever other sequencer/DAW you want to use. There are NES soundfonts out there as well as a damn-good VST called Chipsounds (though it isn't free). I use Chipsounds myself whenever I need some 8-bit sound.

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1 hour ago, navisXD said:

In my free time I like to put songs in 8-bits and since I'm lazy as f**k to do it note per note on Famitracker. I use a Japanese program to replace the instruments to Famicom set. And here comes the problem, when I convert regular mp3 to MIDI and put in that program .Surprise! Everything is mixed in the same line (even the percussion) and it sounds awful, anyone knows how do I separate the instruments?

When I've used MIDIs, I've always had to either find the parts already separate or do it my self manually. 

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12 hours ago, Dr. Orange said:

When I've used MIDIs, I've always had to either find the parts already separate or do it my self manually. 

Ye ye, how do you do it manually? Maybe audacity? What I want its that I've found MIDIs with multiple channels

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MIDI is a ton of sampled sounds. MP3 is one huge sample. The conversion just doesn't work, and it definitely can't separate the different channels/voices/lines/sections/whatevertermyoufeellikeusing.

Also, it's a great way to get viruses.

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21 hours ago, That Ain't Falco said:

MIDI is a ton of sampled sounds.

That's not true, really. MIDI is nothing more than an instruction language. Think of it as sheet music for electronic devices.

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