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How many of you watch that shcool bus crash on CNN, well that happen in my town, But thats what Iam not aiming at. I guess some you know that crazie anti America church that thanks god for our men dieing in war or any one for that matter.

This is there crazed -a female dog- leader-

Well guess what these Ass holes are going to drive all the wat up to my town just so they can protest the familys funerals, This my friends is really pissing me off, how dare they! I just so mad at these sons of -female dogs- I fell like taking a chainsaw and driving there fat ass faces back to the pits of hell from were they came.

School Bus crash on my local news- http://waff.com/Global/story.asp?S=5716616

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Hey, they've got every right to.

You might want to consider getting your school's administration (or whomever might be in charge of the situation) with that group of bikers who travel around the country to counteract these people's protests. They sit between the protestors and the funeral and rev their bikes to drown out the protest. I can't remember for the life of me what they're called, and I know they usually deal with veterans' funerals, but you never know, and maybe someone else around here does.

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You might want to consider getting your school's administration.

Iam home schooled and we don't have many bikers down here in Huntsville, If your refuring to that big group of bikers that ride the trail of tears your a few months late. Luckly after reading some more in the local news, The famaliys restraning order and the group can't come with in two blocks of the funeral, but who knows whats going to happen.

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Good.  I hate those groups.  Unfortunately, they have their right to say whatever they want, whether we like 'em or not.  Still doesn't make it anymore tasteful.  *disgusted*

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Even though I pretty much agree with you guys on this one, this topic contains religion, politics, AND lots of cursing, so I will be locking it, but not deleting it.

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