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I once fed a skinless dog some ketchup-like blood...

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(I swear, if u actually did...) Wait, then, how is that dog even still alive? Seriously, I don't just mean furless, I mean just bare slimy muscle with long hair pieces all over it. 


Did you actually feed ketchup-like blood this particular dog? Betcha didn't. Betcha instead, you were able to turn into a demon and start eating necromorphs for breakfast every morning. Oh wait, that was me.

(Let me know if I'm starting to sound too serious or realistic.)

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Oh, is that so?

I tell you, I actually found Waldo.

Yeah, that's right. I found him.

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I tortured him to find he was an agent of SPECTRE, then delivered him to MI-6. Thanks for picking up my slack. 

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Today I received my report card. Only one failing grade!

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I never failed a class... yet. College isn't easy.:confused:

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I'm a cop on Miami's Vice Squad and I take down criminals with Crockett and Tubbs every day.


So, in the words of Crockett,  "Party's over, kid!"

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(Yes, another Star Fox One Up. Deal with it. :cool:)

My very first assignment as part of the Cornerian Army was, um... I was part of the Cornerian Defense Force at the time, and I was in the First Responders of Corneria City, and I was tasked with obeying my sergeant on the frontlines, in case an invasion occured, which was, of course, was exactly what happened. We holed up inside a wrecked building on a wide open street against the towering mechs and fighters. How does one survive this? Well, basically, bigger guns. My sergeant ordered me, yeah, me and a buddy (I think his nickname was "Burduck"), to go find some rocket launchers and some anti-fighter tanks to commandeer, and, surprisingly, we did just that. My friend found a lone enemy tank just sitting there, awaiting orders, so he easily got in there and shot the pilot right off the mic. I meanwhile, found a squad of fallen comrades right around the intersection of where the rest my group was, and one of them was carrying a prototype for a different kind of rocket launcher (which would later become the now-standard Homing Launcher), and I used that to devastating effect, blowing the head off one of those giant mechs! This came with near-fatal consequences, however, as I drew three MORE of those mechs, plus fighters! I thought I was screwed. After killing a fighter, I ran down the intersection as fast as I could, and almost got torn apart by a vast stream of lazers. One of the mechs approached, and fired it's piston jolt lazer, WHATEVER, and sent me railing into an ally! Somehow, I survived that. Don't ask me how!! I'm just glad I did! So I got up, and WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT! There's a crashed enemy fighter that's perfectly intact with the pilot missing from the cockpit! So, I got in, and the fighter roared into the air! Um... what happened then, was me, in a dog fight with like ten other enemy fighters, who couldn't figure out who among them was not on their side, and I used that to my advantage, defeating most of the attacking fighters, when suddenly, BOOM! I was hit from the side and blasted out of the air! It was STAR FOX, coming in to finally save me and my squad from this invasion, and OH MY GOD, did they do just that! I didn't even care that they shot me down, I was fine upon crash-landing! I was just screaming in cheer and relief that the battle was won, and we survived!!! 

I just realized something. I still never got the chance to tell those guys they did that to me, but you know what, I still don't care! I'm alive, still serving the awesome Cornerian Forces, just as I did, 19 years ago! :p

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Well, I actually read all of that.

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I can cry quietly.

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  On 1/19/2016 at 3:29 AM, Arminius H O Fiddywinks said:

Well, I actually read all of that.


Thanks! :p

  On 1/19/2016 at 5:06 AM, Hoobanana said:

I can yell quietly.


Snake can do everything quietly.

Meanwhile, I can be the only guy who never talks within a group conversation, and be perfectly satisfied (flips up his 3ds :sweatdrop:)... depending on the situation.

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I can be all Lazarus when I want to.

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First, I don't who or what Lazarus is, and Second, I can be a... Still completely unintroduced character of my very own, whenever I want to. I just realized, I made my very own Star Fox Character from this thread. Thanks, Shmibli! :p

Update: He's done. Check my profile! :p

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I once had a poem pouch cynic full idk berk been NFL self deck before it exploded.

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I did not bleed as much as I thought today.

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Banned because I just envisioned Fox in a 1980's era flight jacket and aviators, walking away from a burning Arwing as "Tomorrow Never Dies" plays in the background.

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Wrong thread, genius.

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Arminius, don't tell me how to run my thread in the ungodly hours of the night or I'll have to gut you like the giant tarantula I fought last weekend.


(Recovery and a one-up. I'll take my nobel prize now.)

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Oh yeah? Well, today, I managed to keep me from harming myself.

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Why do you have problems keeping from harming yourself? :(

Well anyways, got another story to tell. I was leading my little fleet down into the Sector Z Nebula to investigate a distress call from an unidentified Cornerian vessel. We arrived and so far found that nothing was happening. We then proceeded to board the Vessel and try to find the problem. Too bad once we got there, we were ambushed and lost several good men. We did get out of that, though, and eventually, we found out it was just a simple hostile takeover by a bunch of renegade pirates (I think). So we did what had to do, and cleared the vessel of these maggots. Now here's the interesting part: once we got to the bridge, I was the first to go in, and the door slammed behind me, trapping my men outside. It was me against a squad led by the pirate commando, Lez Timber (A woodpecker). Well, in the words of Jontron, I AIIIN'T HAVING THAT SH*T! I threw a flashbang and blinded the whole room, then proceeded to use my new MKIII blaster to mow 'em down. These guys were smart, but not smart enough. So after that, my men blew the door open, came in and just saw me, standing there pointing my gun at Lez. I decided to capture her, and bring her in for interrogation. I contacted General Pepper, told him what happened, and he said "You did good, though. We'll take it from here." And I said, "Ok." Turns out that was pretty bad idea, as a day later, we lost contact with the ship that was carrying her. We have no idea where that ship is or where Lez is. Hopefully we'll find out soon, but for now, I'm still on duty.

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