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One-Up Contest


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Oh yeah? Well, I'm an interior crocodile alligator who happens to drive a movie theeeator ( ^u^)

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I don't follow trends. They follow me.

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I have this. My only regret is that it isn't updated with my most recent, higher score.


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I AM the ULTIMATE jack of all trades. I AM EVERYTHING... OuO

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I am what haunts you at night.

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Know what haunts you at night?


59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, 4% oxygen

and 1% beef burrito.


And it all came from me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Em effa', when I go outside, I don't walk on the ground like you peasents. No, not at all! I walk the streets on a red carpet made from the capes of 3,476 of the Cardinal's Guard.

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You know that one ship that actually fires and destroys that one vessel after too long in Sector Beta? I, Mack, was the guy who fired that shot after having to wait for three good minutes for the repairs on the cannon to be done. Thank god for that racoon guy who was stationed there at the time. Him and his beautiful wrench...

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You used to be a wiseguy like me, until you took a 22-gauge to the nut sack.

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Is that supposed to be a One-Up, or just an insult? Also, what's a 22 gauge?


After that battle, I ended up getting transferred right back into Corneria, where the capital was even more overrun than before Star Fox's interception. It was... bloody.

I was staged with a ground squadron tasked with somehow taking back the city via infiltration of its commanding infrastructure, but the mission ended up going horribly wrong when command underestimated the size of the invading force, and our lone carrier got blown right out the sky by one of the enemy destroyers. Half our squadron got disintegrated in a single shot, and we were forced out without even our parachutes at the ready. Only silver lining was that we were above the ocean not far from the shoreline. A few of us drowned, but the rest of us made it. We ran as fast as we could toward some kind of shelter, but the same destroyer tracked us down, and proceeded to tear us apart one by one with its fighter escort and main lasers. By the time we managed to get under something, there was only 4 of us left out of what was supposed to be 50, with tanks, missle lauchers and everything. We contacted command for support, but the most unbelievable thing to happen next? He ditched us. He pulled the mission, and gave us a middle finger wrapped in the phrase, "Good luck!".

It was at that moment, that I became more determined than any little pup I knew to become who I am today. Now, I'm the commander, and I make damn sure my men will make it out alive, and never tell my men to f*ck off like that, EVER!

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Okay, two one-ups in one, the first directed towards Snes1993

Oh, yeah? Well, at least I know that there is no such caliber as a 22 gauge.

The next, directed to amcintyr.

I am so cool, I didn't even read your reply.

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Why, you too afraid to bear witness my awesome writing skills and story-telling, or are you just too lazy?

Honestly, truth be told, I almost finished my very own fictional backstory once about a drawing I made back in high school, called Angesosaurus Rex. It was gonna be told in two parts, the first taking place in his homeworld, and the second takin place on Earth. It was probably gonna span up to more than 16 pages by the time I was done before I lost the usb containing it.

Still TL;DR for you? Then I've already won this contest. :cool:

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Oops, i meant 12 gauge. My bad :(


Atleast my one-ups don't put others to sleep. The last next great american novel I wrote had two words: Yo Mama.

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Eh, nobody reads anymore.

Nobody ever does a proper criticism, either.


(Ranting time :evil:)

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  On 7/20/2016 at 6:50 PM, amcintyr9998 said:

Eh, nobody reads anymore.

Nobody ever does a proper criticism, either.


(Ranting time :evil:)

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   While I'm deeply touched by your passionate enthusiasm, I'm afraid you missed the over all point of my post. I'm elated at your use of an extensive vocabulary, in fact almost every post of yours can be likened to a short story or newspaper column. I agree with you that there are few who display proper criticism and I applaud you for your oh so valued opinion. But...here is where I draw the thin red line (turn back now you so choose).

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Okay, now that I have that out of the way, here is my One-Up post for you.



I went to space with only pine tree and a moose for a co-pilot.

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Hahahahahahaha, AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I didn't think you'd take that so seriously! I'm so sorry, buddy! Probably shouldn't have used that angry-as-hell emoticon this time. I've used an angry emoticon every time I bracketed and said 'ranting time' in any actual ranting post, and those ones were the serious ones (because I really, really hated that one SFZ video...

There was another one, but I can't find it. Either way), but I should probably watch next time. No hard feelings, bud!


I point, and and it all disappears in a fiery explosion... wait, what? Bioshock? Weeeeeeelllll, I kinda came from there. That's why my face is so messed up. :sweatdrop:

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None taken, all in good fun.


My hands are drenched in the blood of armies, the bloodline of kings, of terrible beasts and monstrous insurmountable foes. But it compared not to your very gods.

Where are they to save you now from me?

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Mother Flubber, they're right here... And they expected you to be here sooner.

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I'm always on time with pure swag on. My only problem is I can't turn it off.

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When I walk the streets, kings and queens step aside. Every woman I meet, they stay satisfied.


(Totally not song lyrics.)

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You see me now, a veteran, of a thousand psychic wars. I've been livin' on the edge so long, where the winds of limbo roar.

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   I was a man of many prides. A house of my very own. A woman whom I have loved. A child i had to protect. A world to call home.


   But that was the past and a life far removed. Now I roam the cosmos in body of chrome, seeking answers and a purpose. Where I go, trouble is sure to follow...

   And I'll be there to send 'em packin'.








   I am...







   I am...the one...






   Who Knocks...

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  On 7/27/2016 at 2:05 AM, amcintyr9998 said:

You see me now, a veteran, of a thousand psychic wars. I've been livin' on the edge so long, where the winds of limbo roar.




now, onto the one-ups.


These cosmos you're in? I created them.

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You inhale coke. I snort galactic dust.

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You smoke grass. I smoke astroturf.

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