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Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

Sol-Ratcht Saporro

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because you can't throw your GC controller around like you can a Wii Mote and expect to kill enemies.

lol! well you can try to throw around your GC controller but unless you want to kill your TV, your not gonna kill enemies

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^True true....and that applies to the Wii mote for some people who don't wear the strap. :lol:

All and all the newest Zelda rawks....point blank! <_<

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Should I feel stupid? I preordered the GCN version a couple years ago, and I have a Wii, a week from the release of the GCN version. I'm still getting the GCN version >_> Don't say Wii controls > GCN controls in your reasoning (it's your opinion). Famitsu had pretty even scores between them, and it was originally GCN only.

Just have them change the reserve to a Wii version. They are the same thing and price. If they don't, just get your reserve money back and get the Wii version.

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^ Hey I was gonna say that too but I wasn't sure if you could do that. But, I just found out that you could.

Ooh! Boo-yow! Now, go do that.... :x

I'm kidding....you don't have to if you don't want to....

It's still the same game but different control experiences could change your thoughts about it.

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Now: EB Games (computer voice from Texas?!?) called about TP. It asked if I wanted to keep the GCN preorder with the Wii version out. I didn't expect them to do that, so I chose to cancel my preorder. Now I'm going to have to search stores around me to see if I can get the Wii version and/or Excite Truck. I hope this decision is worth it in the end >_> And no, I couldn't simply change from GCN to Wii TP like that. It was a computer talking, and TP is on backorder/costs more money everywhere on the internet.

Better be worth it. The controls for Wii Sports annoy me a bit with how many different moves to learn for boxing and how hard it is to golf.

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You still didn't get your Wii yet? :x

WTS!? FexEd!

Well, TM I'd say it would be worth exchanging the GC for the Wii but you shouldn't have to spend extra money. Funny thing is there's still some copies near where I live. I guess South Floridians don't care about the Wii like I do. >.>;

Anywho, anyone found some of those hidden skills yet?

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Got many questions of this game

How long is it (how many temples and how much time of play)? please tell me there are ten times the temples in WW that game was easy and short and that they are long cause the WW was disapointing, the temples were very simple

how much time will pass before the good temples start? bad temples are those that are for practice, good temples are the others, please tell me bad temples are less than a fourth of good temples

I think the answer to this is yes but Ill ask it anyway...

you can play the NGC games with the wii and also use the same memory card? I want to keep my records of starfox assault

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^I don't know. With side quests its believed to be more than 100 hours but Jaith beat that game in a week without any side quests. (But that's no fun now is it?)

Hmmmm....I believe the good temples start with the second one. Although Kal keeps mentioning the sixth one.

Yes you can play the GC games with the Wii and use the same memory card. They specified that the Wii holds two GC Memory card ports.

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may I ask... what would a "GameCube-controller-adapter-thingy" cost to use on Wii controllers? it may be nice to have sometimes..

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you mean the normal cube controls, or the ....err classical control?

well you don't need to buy an adapter for the cube controls, the wii has backwards features, there are 4 cube ports in the upper side of the wii. The classic control, if I recall right, costs around 20-30 bucks, but you can't play gamecube games with that one (I guess)

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IIRC, there are seven major dungeons (first is Forest Temple), with lots of stuff before it.  One of the guys up here beat it in 70 hours with no side quests.

From what I've seen, the bosses tend to be rather easy, while the minibosses can be nasty.  'Specially the new Iron Knuckles.  ('Specially when you have to face two of them.  =D)

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oh well I just finished the forest temple, the game is looking really good, blurry effects and  the huge world and all...but I'm a little bit disappointed about the sword controls, I thought that at least they were going to work...let say, you swing horizontaly, link does his horizontal swipes, and so with the other moves; I guess this is where imagination takes place  O_o.

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you mean the normal cube controls, or the ....err classical control?

No, but I saw some YTMND kinda long time ago.. titled/named "The Saviour" or something...  with it was like the GC controll with a Wii controll into it..

maybe its fake, but that would not make any sence.... well, I'm a bit confused now about it..

(edit: Seems like I have happent to talk about Wii-controlls in whole three topics now...)

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For the record, if it looked like the Wavebird, I believe that's an IGN mock-up of the "shell" controller that they thought would be like what the Classic Controller really is. Definately fake though.

I haven't heard much about TP's controls. Are they that simple to simply do lots of swipes or something? I've been waiting for someone to fill me in on that before I get it this Christmas. Aiming things is obvious, but I know little on swordplay.

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Yeah, most of the time you swing the Wii Mote for basic swipes. Push as you were stabbing an object for a direct lunge. Shake the nunchuck for the spin attack.

And for the jumping attack is Z targeting and A button.

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Currently playing it again but going though it more carefully getting things I missed and all the stuff. Somethings were a disappointment... like no Dark Link battle of awsomeness I was hopeing for (Though his image is used in a cutscene which still freaks me out when I view it ._.;O_o But the first battle of the final battles made me go, HOLY CRAP! Though the battle was easy... and when I reached some places in the game I was like "Whoa, flash back to OOT much?" ...especially the sixth temple... which everyone who's played OOT will recongize after hearing the music of the first room in the temple... TRUST ME! if you don't reconqize it, you've never played OOT...

Swordfighting isn't as in depth as I hoped... all you do to swing your sword is swing the wiimote, barely shaking it will make you slash... and only one slash unless your holding the control stick in a direction then you'll do more... and the sword skills are BADASS...Finishing Blow which is required to progress and beat the game, Shield Bash (Useless until you get the Helm Splitter...), Back Slice (Basicly the rolling parry attack from WW.) Helm Splitter (An acurate discritption...) Moral Draw (It's supposed to kill an enemy immedately but for some reason it never hits for me x_X) Jump Strike (Jump Attack Level 2!) and the uber pwnage GREAT SPIN (One message to all you monsters out there... if I've got full hearts and this skill your DEAD! DEEEEEEEEEAAAAAD! *Glares at the Archers* And I've got the Hawkeye/Bow combo to take care of you...)

The bosses arn't as hard as they should be though, most only need the item you found in the dungeon to beat, the first two bosses were WAY too easy since I had already seen how to kill them... The boss of the sixth temple made me laugh very loud when it reached it's second 'phase' which took literally one hit to kill XD and was easily hit. The boss of the forth was the most fun of the bunch, other then final battles...

Being stuck as a wolf sucks a little bit, but after the first bit of the game you'll get to change at will and that's when things get good! There is 9 dungeons in the game the last one is kinda short though... at least the four phase final battle makes up for it.

I still want a Dark Link battle where he pulls no punches... uses everything you have and to an even deadlier extent... -sigh- But overall nintendo did a great job, now to outdo Twilight Princess by building the next Zelda game from the ground up! More intuative sword controls! More new items! And even more dungeons and a kickass storyline that shakes the very foundations of Hyrule! *Ganondorf like laughter*


^I don't know. With side quests its believed to be more than 100 hours but Jaith beat that game in a week without any side quests.

And when I promised myself I wouldn't rush it x_X Oh well if I didn't get the story done quick I'd be tortured by it now I can enjoy the game's beauty more

>_> :evil: *Cheers for Sixth's dungeon* (Which I had beaten again today...)

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You don't have Dark Link.  You have the sickening Iron Knuckles' second form.  =D  Two in the Cavern of Ordeals.

You can't deny that the seventh boss was pretty damn cool.  And not just cause it's a dragon.

...*<3 Double Clawshots*

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o .o two? Try three on the final floor *Has beaten the Cavern*

XD Double Claw shots... there's a joke within my circle of friends...

Spiderlink, spiderlink, does whatever a spider... er...yeah >> he drew a picture with Midna signing that while Link was dressed up like Spiderman using his double claw shots to... yeah do the spiderman thing XD

Seventh boss WAS cool, but still, fourth was one of the best I mean, second phase, arranged King Dodongo battle music much? And plus it was like... an undead dragon thing >.>

and lets not forget the sixth temple... I keep coming back to that one in my head... the temple didn't really impress me but what is was did >.>

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ok, I just beated the game...sheesh to tell the true I thought it was going to be longer and harder =/ , took me 45 hours, and that's because I fooled with fishing a big while yesterday @_@....I guess, I have it at like 75-80% of all the poes, bugs and pieces of heart.

ok here is my review of most of the stuff  (huge spoilers, but well I guess this topic has already many xD):

To be a gamecube title, the graphics are really, really awesome, I mean, look at those blurry effects @_@. The sound and music are nice, and I guess nintendo has an excuse to use MIDI stuff, since gamecube disks hold like 1.5gb , using all mp3 stuff in the game would've surpaced that limit, though I really found annoying that most of the reviews of this game had a lower score just because they wanted the Wii version with better graphics and sound ( I mean, nintendo did us a favor bringing TP to the Wii!). The game difficulty is really, really lame ( I NEVER DIED WTF), most of the bosses die with 3 chain of hits, however, I found the cave of ordeals somehow challenging, weeee 3 Iron Knuckles! @_@; most of the mobs are really easy to kill, and most of the times, they only deal between quarter to half damage to one of link's hearts ( I found this really disappointing , not even a knuckle deals you more than one heart of damage, as in Ocarina of time), HOWEVER this Zelda packs a horde of enemies (which normally fall with a spin attack, but hell, fighting with more than 20 mobs is really a show), another interesting fact is, the bosses have a "tricky" way to be killed, which is fun  :P, and despide the fact the last fight (well the last four) was really easy, fighting on horse vs horse and sword vs sword, is just a dream came true for this Zelda fan.

About the story, I found myself more carried with each scene, and I really didn't care about the silence voice acting(a Zelda wouldn't be a Zelda if Link just starts talking, don't you think >.>?). Indeed it's darker than any other game of the series, also it was better told, however, I found the ending a little bit short on details =/. Another great fact of TP is......the game has EVERYTHING you would've wished on Ocarina of time, though, I didn't get that "new feeling" like I did with the N64 Zeldas ( well...most of us were kids when OoT and MM were out and I guess changing from 2D to 3D was a huge show in that time), well I did get it with the aiming controls....but what I really think is, this Zelda is a mix of all the greatest stuff we liked of the old ones . The dungeons are neat, some of them were a little bit short, some others had great stuff, then again the difficult is still too low, I remember how  the Water Temple on OoT was challenging, I really got lost the first time I played it (damn tricky small key @_@) :P, something I didn't find on TP's temples, that challenging touch. The puzzles and  all the stuff are different in each temple, but still too easy for the experienced player. For example, the Temple of time was, mainly , a big puzzle, when  the sky city  was more exploring than everything else, each one has its own style, and I really liked that.

Wolf form is perfect, I couldn't ask for more about this, maybe one or two more skills, but the style really, really worked; Wolf link runs faster and the ability to jump at will is something new in 3D zeldas, but I guess Midna's skill is a little bit over powered. I have the same thoughts about horse riding and fighting, it's really great, but I would've liked more action like when that big green dude challenges you.

About the items...well I was a little bit disappointed, some of them are kinda useless after you beat the temple in where you got them, and dang, NO MAGIC  :( , I don't know you guys, but I really ,really would've liked to have some fire, ice and light arrows in my arsenal, however the bomb arrows returned FTW!( if you played the first zelda game on game boy, you must remember how great this convo was  :P);also  some funky magic like on OoT would've been great. But with each bad thing, something  possitive comes,  and this is not the exeption, having 100 arrows, and more than one bomb bag, with 50 bombs each, is really, really useful , and I liked the fact, that it's hard to get supplies of each thing (at last, a Zelda in where I have to use shops to stock up). I found really , really cheap the eagle mask thingie, to tell the true, I got it and then left it, having extra aim could be nice, but this thing doesn't have wii aiming. As for the spiner, I would've liked more action with that thing  :P, same goes with the chain ball. Another really useless item is the slingshot, after you get the bow, you really don't need it anymore. What I really hated, was the freaking Mirror armor (it looks great though), after spending thousands of ruppies with the donations and then 598 for the suit, I would spect something original, but...I really was disappointed, I mean, an armor that spends ruppies @_@ wtf!, link is already inmortal without the suit anyways  :P, so unless you find the mobs hard, I wouldn't recomend getting it (though, do the quest, the new shop is really useful). As for the zora suit, I loved it!, you can swim and you get MEGA FREAKING OWNING damage from ice and fire, which  makes the game actually challenging if you play all the time using it (I'm planning to beat the game like I did with OoT, only with 3 hearts, and since I don't remember where the hell  all the heart pieces are  on the dungeons, at least I will get one hit owned with the zora suit in the ice mansion ^_^;;;, YAY for funny challenging ideas  :P).

About the swordfighting , I agree with Jaith, it wasn't what everyone spected (still is really more advanced compared to OoTor WW style), and about the skills, well I have different thoughts about them...:

Finishing blow: I used this one a lot when I got it ( as Jaith said, you need this thing to beat the game so...)but when a horde of enemies attacked, I never bothered myself in striking one by one with this skill. But hey!, at last!, we can use the famous super smash brothers attack on a real Zelda!.

Shield Bash: Unlike many people that found this one useless before you get helm splitter, I really enjoyed this one, because it's more useful than just swinging  my wii mote like an idiot until the mob's defense falls.

Back Slice: My favorite of all,  I liked it because is not all mighty and, then again, you need to think before using it

Helm Splitter: Althought I barely used this one, is really nice vs those knuckle dudes

Mortal Draw: I didn't like this one, I mean, killing mobs with one hit makes the game even easier! (but it's cool, I have to admit that  :P), I would've liked this skill if it hadn't been all freaking powerful.

Jump Strike: Awesome skill, I loved this thing, though again, it's to powerful, despide the fact you need to charge, most of the mobs fall with one hit of this skill.

Great Spin: Well I guess...it's fine, but hell...throwing light swords like the classic zelda would've been freaking goddly @_@.

I'm planning to see how the game goes without the three last skills, I'm sure that, without using the master sword (of course, it's  needed in some  parts <_<) with 3-5 hearts and zora suit all the time will make the game actually hard  :o

Well I guess that's all the stuff I have to say about TP, I wasn't especting perfection ( Lets face it, no game is perfect), but at least, I wanted something harder than OoT; don't get me wrong, I loved this game, actually, is my favorite of all the Zeldas and Adventure games I have played so far, but, then again, my main complain ...TP is a piece of cake and a little bit shorter than I spected. HOWEVER (and I capitalize that) I'm sure me and some others without a guide ,will spend days trying to find all the pieces of heart, bugs,and poes xD;

Great job Nintendo, I'm really hoping to see your next master piece.

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God, you guys make me seem slow.

I'm only on the third dungeon.....


But that Horse riding battle is bitchin.....Especially the joust. :oops:

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God, you guys make me seem slow.

I'm only on the third dungeon.....


But that Horse riding battle is -a female dog-in.....Especially the joust. :oops:

Don't feel bad, I am on that dungeon too. Think of it as getting more value for your money. :)

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YAY! We're on the same level! I thought I was moving so slow because I only have time on weekends to play.

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