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Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

Sol-Ratcht Saporro

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Beat the game a second time >_> aaand saved over my old file since it was basicly less then my new one, gunna try with only 3-5 hearts and not using the master sword when not required and with a wooden shield.... or or or! no shield =D and only one bomb bag with no upgrades myes...

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*Throws the Gale Boomerang at Jaith*

Maybe the controller will fly out of your hands. >.>;

I'm still on Lake Hylia.....

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I haven't played it yet, but I've only been hearing good things about it. NP gave it a 9.5/10, GI a 10/10, and X-Play a 5/5. For X-Play and GI to like it, it must be superb indeed. I've watched a friend of mine play it, too, and it looks awesome.

Personally, I'm looking forward to doing the sword moves and fishing. I've heard some criticism about it not being entirely tuned to your hand, but whatever.

The greatest thing, though, I think, is the wolf form. I'm quite looking forward to watching Link maul things on the screen. Theres a reason it's the first Zelda to receive a T rating. ;)


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Anyone else notice that before and during the fight with Zant, he starts making a sound quite reminicient of the one Howard Dean made when he lost the Iowa primary in 2004? XD

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Great game. An excellency developed by Nintendo, published by Nintendo, and built for Nintendo. Something the Star Fox series lost. Rare, Namco, and Q-Games. At least none of them were total failures.

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Anyone else notice that before and during the fight with Zant, he starts making a sound quite reminicient of the one Howard Dean made when he lost the Iowa primary in 2004? XD

Not only that, but he makes several sounds that remind me of the Krypt Keeper, Chucky and my friend Mnemosyne at Mardi Gras.

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o .o;; >_> X_X *Is spun around in circles by boomerang but does not let go of controler* @_ @ buh? oh god... I'm on the sixth temple for a third time, but this time is quite different...yes... e_e; for I have only three hearts... and if I have 4 or five hearts by the end of the game that is because those temple hearts just pop out of NOWHERE and hit me... jeez....

Edit: WHY WHY NINTENDO! Zant was slightly cool before you fought him, he seriously creeped me out until he started making funny noises and took off his helmet... his face alone made me nearly loss all my hearts x_X; god..

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^Lawlz :P

He moves around like he's been trying to fight off a heroin addiction or something.....

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well that fight, with Zant, reminded me to the last boss of the first Zelda on game boy, maybe because all those random tranformations :P.

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Zant: I know I'm not match for you so I'm just going to SPAAAAAZZZZZ! *Starts spinning around like a tard*

Link: :mrgreen:;

Midna: Ok now I'm insulted that this freak was able to beat me out of my throne...

augh... x_x; and I've beaten the game a third time (Talk about obsessed huh?) It's a really fun game,unfortunately it's hard to do a three heart game because some of the heart pieces just jump out of nowhere at you in dungeons... other then that the only chalenge of the three heart game was...uh... O_o; I can't think of anything..

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Recently (and FINALLY) got this one. Already in third dungeon after third day of owning it. Whaaaaat? Those Tears of Light are *-Female dogs-* to find. Zant looks awesome with the helm. And he'll transform? o.O I hope it's a throwback to the 9 Nightmares in Link's Awakening. :P

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I liked the tears of light bit. Well except for that last one, which is a giant ass version of the bug. (That almost scared the crap out of me when I was playing.) He doesn't transform per se, he changes the background in which you're fighting in to reminisce of previous boss/miniboss battles. Although he does change shape in that snow castle level. The noises he makes are a barrel full of monkies though. :P

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Blah I got it AND ITS THE BEST GAME I HAVE PLAYED IN A HELUVA LONG TIME. I have waited sense 1999 for something to stand up to OOT. Basically it does everything OOT does ONLY BETTER. Plus the music for hyrule field is awesome. I would like an MP3 of it sometime as well.

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Whenever my soundtrack comes in I'll get it for you. Hopefully that'll be soon >.>

Hooray for NP renewal gifts. XP


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I got it, and I've just been rolling along at a slow pace at playing it. i've finished the first temple and i'm just about to get to the second...not really in that much of a rush though...Awesome game. Maybe I just want it to last longer because I'm not getting another game for a looooooong time now...

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Beat it last night. The only challenge was the final horse battle. (can't say against who due to spoilers.)

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Guest Chiro-Chan

My brother FINALLY bought a LoZ game (this one).

Anyways, first off, the graphics, and game play are spiffy, but the music is blah. The enemies amuse me, because they're explosive like gunpowder. Link never says anything. And that kind of sucks.

...And Wolfy Link is SO CUTE!-*LYNCHED*

And I still prefer SF:AD over this. Go ahead and kill me for it, but I seriosly think it was a better game. I don't care what you guys think, I liked it better. (Partially because I prefer Fox over Link by far, and Fox actually speaks. :D)

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Link never speaks. Ever. It's against natural law.


But WHY? D:

I wish you could play as the wolf more. My brohter's gotten stuck. xD

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I dunno. It's just always been that way. Wind Waker, OoT, Majora's Mask, and everything before those. Never defy the way of Ninten-do! XD

Kudos if you get the reference. :D

Anyway, I kinda like that he doesn't talk; it's just part of a Zelda game that's expected, if not purposely done.


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(a Zelda wouldn't be a Zelda if Link just starts talking, don't you think >.>?)

it's like, a pokemon game wouldn't be a pokemon game without pikachu, or starfox without arwings

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This is a small review, it has small spoilers (nothing to worry about you can read them, when you play it you will see why) and some facts of the game

This game is supposed to explain why in WW Hyrule was covered in water and how does Ganondorf came out of the Realm. This game in fact explains nothing and open more questions, but in fact it dont fit in the story.

First Ill tell about some mistakes. Death Mountain and Kakariko in OoT are in the east in this game they are to the west, Gerudo Desert and Lake Hylia are to the west not to the east. These mistakes wont affect the story is just something to watch. The Sage that is killed is the water sage and all the symbols of the sages are still the same.

In the game its never mention the name of each Triforce piece (Triforce of Power, Courage and Wisdom). Midna uses one of the fused shadows all the time (the helmet). The only mention of the kokiri is the skullkid which is...

This are the mistakes from ths story and why it cant be placed between Oot and WW.

The mistakes start after the 4th level (the desert temple if you whish to call it that way) according to the sages Ganon was chosen by the gods and thats why he holds the triforce of power, in OoT Ganon took it and because he didnt had a strong heart it splitted up and the Triforce of Courage and Wisdom choose the ones that will use them (Link and Zelda). Big mistake if you ask me, because of this, it cant be placed after OoT.

The mirror can only be open from the side where it was placed (thats why it was left in the light world) Zant even with the power of Ganon needed someone from the other side, if not Ganon would have escaped by himself.

The battle was supposed to end in the castle when link (or anyone else) puts the Master Sword in the pedestal sealing all of Ganons power and the Gods were going to seal away the castle and cover Hyrule in that ocean. In the game just when you defeat Ganondorf he loses the Triforce and Zant Breaks his neck. According to WW Ganon was supposed to hold the Triforce of Power but all of his and the triforce powers were sealed when the MS was placed and he didnt died. Thats why it cant be placed before WW.

Am not sure but is the first light spirit suppose to be the "mother" of the other three? it says "save my children, their light was stolen"

This is a great game, as you can see it wont fit between Oot and WW, I finished it in 38:42 (hours:minutes)

By itself it can be the beginning and the end of Zelda as another story.

The riddles are great, but all the bosses are easy (they never killed me and some never touched me). the subboses are harder, and in the first bridge i had some difficulties. the same guy almost killed twice me in the fourth battle (I used a fairy, the only one by the way) I was expecting more horse battles and a battle like Dark Link where both (Ganon or anyone and Link) strike at the same time, unfotunately when he attacks he only defends, when he attacks you can only evade, what am trying to say is that there should be more sparks coming from the swords waiting until he gets tired or misses to strike, and do an attack.

BTW I didnt undesrtand why Zant kills Ganon, anyone explains this

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Blah I got it AND ITS THE BEST GAME I HAVE PLAYED IN A HELUVA LONG TIME. I have waited sense 1999 for something to stand up to OOT. Basically it does everything OOT does ONLY BETTER. Plus the music for hyrule field is awesome. I would like an MP3 of it sometime as well.

i have the entire soundtrack already

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