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Favorite Holidays

Arminius H O Fiddywinks

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There's a boatload of holidays that are both well-known and obscure. For example, the day this thread was made, Februaruy 20, 2016, is World Social Justice Day, International Tug-of-War Day, and World Whale Day. Which holiday, no matter how widespread or unknown, is your favorite?

Christmas and Thanksgiving are my ties for no. 1. The food and gifts are what make them enjoyable. I also enjoy Festivus for its parody of the holiday season.

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I'm not sure on that one. Christmas, maybe?

On the topic of holidays, did you know that the word "Halloween" comes from the time of year known as "Allhallowtide", a time of year dedicated to remembering the dead. All hallows eve(like New Years eve), is the start of that time of year. As you probably know, "eve" is short for evening, well in the Scots language, "eve" is said "e'en". This was shortened to "Allhallowse'en", and eventually became Halloween.

I also like Hogmanay.

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4th of July, the only day where I have a good excuse to set offexplosives and shoot at anISIS flag duck-taped to a metal sign in my "backyard"*


*I live in a rural area so my backyard is pretty huge.

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Christmas because the weather is tolerable and the lights are real pretty.

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