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So, what happens?

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The Gigarilla becomes synced with the Gyrowing and it will follow you around smashing any enemies in its path. You lead it to a transporter which sends Fox alone to another planet (Zoness maybe?).

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Oh my fucking yes. I was really hoping that you could wreck shit like that.

Also, the Wolfen Walker is officially named "Lone Wolf" :facepalmpicard:


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New Meteo

Is that a reference to the Aparoids I see?


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New Zoness footage:

The Gyrowing is green and grey in this.


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4 minutes ago, SF Alba said:

New Zoness footage:



"Krystal is Back!" :facepalmpicard:

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1 minute ago, DZComposer said:

"Krystal is Back!" :facepalmpicard:

Also calling Direct-i "ROB" :facepalmpicard:

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I noticed that actually quite a lot people mistake Katt for Krystal..it may be understandable since both names start with K(?)..but..personally I'd say, it should be obvious by just looking at her. ^^;

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Better Zoness footage:


I like Katt's theme in this.

Nobody's posted Sector Alpha yet?



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..I love how Slippy tries to imitate Peppy here..

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Star Fox Guard opening:


Star Fox Guard intro narration sounds like the SF64 narrator:



Star Fox Guard "My Squad" tutorial.



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30 mins of Star Fox Guard livestream:



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Nintendo UK launch trailer:



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So, Peppy is playable for a mission.

All of the Barrel Roll.

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16 minutes ago, DZComposer said:

So, Peppy is playable for a mission.

All of the Barrel Roll.

Oh God, that's so so stupid.

But I love it

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Weeelll..Peppy being my favourite character, I welcome to be able to play as him!

....and even after the 5. million time of 'Barrel Roll'..I found myself chuckle at it. So bad, it is good again.

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