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The Metal Gear Solid License


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Apparently Konami is doing some unorthodox things with it. 

Bonus points for having both original voice actors reprising their roles, how well the call fits in with the calls in the game, and for having Snake randomly answer Colonel's statements with questions.


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1 hour ago, navisXD said:

and this is why they didn't include snake in sm4sh

Because they promoted Ford instead of Mercedes Benz? ;)

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Snake wouldn't drive a Ford though.

He'd drive a Dodge Snek.

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David Hayter... Why? Why couldn't you let this shit crash and burn?

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I love me some silly commercials with video games and such related. Remember these?

While not game related per se, I'm linking it anyway because everyone needs to see this masterpiece of a commercial:


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As full of what as that was, I'm glad to hear Hayter play Snake again.  I wish Kojima didn't fuck that one up, he doesn't even want to come back to play Snake because of what happened with him getting replaced by Keifer Sutherland and all.  

What would even make them do this though?  Is someone at Ford a big fan of Metal Gear?  

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Kojima wanted someone to also facial capture Big Boss and Sutherland fit the bill better, plus Kojima is a big cinema-buff so I have a feeling he always wanted Sutherland for the role of Big Boss, and Hayter himself said he couldn't really do the Snake voice anymore after 4, plus Hayter is apparently really unprofessional and admits that he half-asses all his work.

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Also, if they're going for a specific trim, why the SE? Why not the Titanium? Or the ST? Or the RS (though honestly if I were to spend $35,000 on a car it would NOT be a Focus, even if it is the sportiest one. I could buy a BMW 3-series for that)?

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