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SNES cover of Star Fox 64's credits music


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Good job!

10/10 would listen again.

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Eh, feel like I should let people hear it first before they see my review.


Ok, let me just get my constructive criticism outta the way, first.

The cymbals were a little too short. The beginning sounded way too different from the verse. Instruments could have been put in other places, for example, the trumpet in the beginning could've been used in the section after the first main verse. There was no need to quiet the main violins towards the end. And I'm not sure if you know this, but choirs are possible in SNES format. Take this for example (Skip to :50):


Now to praise your efforts!

Loved how similar the instruments were actually able to be to the original format. The verses themselves were absolutely well-done! The entire song in general makes me think of if Star Fox and Star Fox 64 had a baby with a beautiful voice and huge amounts of respect towards the original source material! 

CONCLUSION: Sounds like an awesome love note to the days of old. Great choice of instruments, although some of its use and placement could be improved substantially, like the cymbals. Overall, glad I heard this!

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The cymbals were short because that's how they sounded in SF1's credits theme. I didn't do choirs because the SNES SF games had no such dedicated sample. Also the credits theme actually has two brass samples, one of which is a higher quality version of the more common one and can heard at the very beginning, you are right that I could have used them both more interchangeably. Looking over this I noticed I accidentally went over 8 notes at times, which I'm fixing as of right now and will probably provide that in an update.

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1 hour ago, Patch93 said:

 I didn't do choirs because the SNES SF games had no such dedicated sample.

Corneria Boss?


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That doesn't have looping points, nor is it a traditional choir that would work with this piece's style. I just wanted to stick to samples from SF1's credits theme, though I did snag SF2's piccolo as well.

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UPDATE: Tweaked a couple things and uploaded it to YouTube.


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