14432 Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 http://imgur.com/a/5GZxt http://imgur.com/a/LOb2v http://imgur.com/a/djI4F http://imgur.com/a/UUfbh The idea here is that Fox unearths a series of personal memoirs that date back to a distant era when Corneria was little more than one of several countries that ruled over the planet (previously known as the Neter). The memoirs belong to a McCloud ancestor from that time along with the other memoirs of a Lombardi and Phoenix ancestor plus the journal of a Grey Ancestor. The memoirs seemed to chronicle some sort of personal journey in which the three ancestors were travelling companions and that they went across different parts of old corneria int heir travels. At the same time it is noted that the Grey Ancestor's journal seemed to at certain points talk about future events for some reason. I used "Samurai Champloo" as a basis for this concept. I had the idea that Corneria's past history mirror's that of Japan's own past history and that the culture of Old corneria (or at least the area on the planet's surface it once ruled over) was similar to the Japanese culture down to the language and kanji writing. At this point 2,500 BLW is Corneria's version of the Edo period. much like japan in this time period, Corneria also shares similar isolationist policies and views anyone who's species is not in the Canidae family as Foreigners. That is why i will not be mentioning or showing any of the ancestors of non-canine characters, but if I do, they are considered foreigners or Gaijin. There were a few records of Cerinians being present on the Neter at this time, oftentimes disguised as the rest of the populace, but if found, they are referred to as "Outer Space people" or Uchujin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arminius H O Fiddywinks Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 Hello to you too, newbie. I suggest making an entrance thread in the forum labeled "The Front Door". Those are very neat drawings though. Very neat. You should make more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 I like how stylized your conceptualized artwork is, and the tie-in with traditional Japanese culture is interesting to see. Additionally, to the site. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Orange Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 I do like Champoo. Good show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted February 15, 2016 Author Share Posted February 15, 2016 On 2/15/2016 at 4:57 PM, OneUnder said: I like how stylized your conceptualized artwork is, and the tie-in with traditional Japanese culture is interesting to see. Additionally, to the site. Expand Ah thanks. And to justify this concept, the original snes game was inspired by the inari shrine at fushimi-ku after all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Ain't Falco Posted February 16, 2016 Share Posted February 16, 2016 Nice style, and while there is some truth to that statement, the SNES game was inspired partly by a demo of Argonaut's Starglider running on a NES (called NESGlider), partly by what would make a good game, and partly by popular science fiction. Really, Miyamoto's walk around that shrine only determined some aspects of Corneria, and Fox's species. No need to justify your style, bud, people draw Zelda in a similar style all the time. Seriously, though, stick around, and head over to The Front Door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted February 18, 2016 Author Share Posted February 18, 2016 On 2/16/2016 at 3:46 AM, That Ain't Falco said: Nice style, and while there is some truth to that statement, the SNES game was inspired partly by a demo of Argonaut's Starglider running on a NES (called NESGlider), partly by what would make a good game, and partly by popular science fiction. Really, Miyamoto's walk around that shrine only determined some aspects of Corneria, and Fox's species. No need to justify your style, bud, people draw Zelda in a similar style all the time. Seriously, though, stick around, and head over to The Front Door. Expand go check again i added something new Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Ain't Falco Posted February 18, 2016 Share Posted February 18, 2016 (Also we do have some evidence that in official canon, Corneria went through more of a Medieval European phase, but hey, I'm all for fan art. Usually.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted February 18, 2016 Author Share Posted February 18, 2016 On 2/18/2016 at 4:23 PM, That Ain't Falco said: (Also we do have some evidence that in official canon, Corneria went through more of a Medieval European phase, but hey, I'm all for fan art. Usually.) Expand eh, im more convinced about the feudal japan part instead. in my headcanon it's not planetwide, Corneria in the past would have been divided into nations like our earth and the Medieval Europe phase would have happened in another region the planet (which would have gone by a different name). I still think that as a country Corneria would not have been based on any country in the west, but is the planet's version of japan, the name happened to be carried over when the unifaction to a planetary government occured. Even so, I feel that "Old Corneria" would still have wars between it's nations back when war was only limited to the air sea and land. I never said that Corneria was a planetwide japan in the past, i just said that Corneria in the past was the name of a country similar to japan. and much like Earth the planet would have had an eastern and western hemisphere but the west prevailed and Cornerian history leaned more toward the history of the western nations while the mystical east faded into obscurity. I still insist that Corneria had a different name in the past and that the planet was renamed during it's unification and space age. and the Cornerian races in the past would have been just as bad as humanity in this modern day. and keep in mind i mention in my drawings that the non-canine characters are foreigners so as not to remove that "Medieval europe" develpment hinting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted February 20, 2016 Author Share Posted February 20, 2016 The setting is in the timeline of the default ending of StarFox Command and uses Japanese yokai as it's basis. After Star Wolf had taken everything from him including the woman he once loved, Fox realized that because of Krystal he had brought nothing but shame and dishonor to the McCloud name. Unwilling to continue such a tortured existence, he turned toward his Samurai roots and decided that as penance he must commit ritual seppuku both out of guilt and the need to protect or restore his family's honor. He however did not leave the world of the living alone. He had to ask permission from his superior to carry out the ritual. Somehow he succeeded. His remaining teammate, Falco, General Peppy, Bill Grey, and a few other old friends attended this ritual suicide and bowed their heads in respect once he had finished taking his own life. After His Burial, Fox's soul continued to roam lylat as a Yurei until the day he was taken in by an Inugami, a dog-like sorcerer once believed to be nonexistent by modern Cornerians. With the help of the Inugami's black magic, Fox's soul evolves into a Onryo, a ghost (yūrei) believed capable of causing harm in the world of the living, harming or killing enemies, or even causing natural disasters to exact vengeance to redress the wrongs it received while alive then takes their spirits from their dying bodies. He is always accompanied by two hitodama (souls), one is James McCloud (blue colored) and the other is Fox's ancestor from 2,500 BLW (more aggressive ball of fire, colored red). As an Onryo, Fox relentlessly followed Star Wolf, appearing and manifesting before them in the form of terrifying visages and visions (once took the form of a Gashadokuro or a giant Fox skeleton that terrorized Star Wolf in one of their motherships) and intending to slay them one by one with his ghostly Katana and his bloodied Tanto while his eyes are set on Panther and Krystal. Thank's to the inugami's black magic, he has lost all sympathy toward "she who has broken his heart". and it seemed that not matter how many times they change motherships, he always follows them relentlessly. Partially inspired by the Japanese ghost story, Yotsuya Kaidan. As an Onryō, Fox's fighting style would resemble this: NOTE: Onryō are the ghosts of people who died with such strong passions –jealousy, rage, or hatred – that their soul is unable to pass on, and instead transforms into a powerful wrathful spirit who seeks vengeance on any and everything it encounters. Onryō appear as they did when they died. Often they were victims of war, catastrophe, betrayal, murder, or suicide, and they usually display wounds or marks indicative of the way they died. Their motive is always the same: vengeance. Onryō are easily powerful enough to swiftly kill any person; however, they prefer letting the object of their hatred live a long life of torment and suffering, watching those they knows suffer and die. They inflict a terrible curse on the people or places that they haunt. This curse can be transmitted to others through contact like a contagious disease, creating a circle of death or destruction that is far more devastating than any ordinary ghost. They make no distinction in whom they target with their grudge; they just want to destroy. Moreover, this vengeance can never be satisfied as it can for most ghosts. What makes an onryō so much scarier than its Western vengeful spiritual counterpart is that, while the Western ghost ceases to haunt once it is put to rest, an onryō appears and never goes away. Occasionally, an onryō’s curse is born not out of hatred and retribution, but out of intense, passionate love which perverts into extreme jealousy. These onryō haunt their former lovers, exacting their wrath onto new romances, second marriages, their children, and eventual end up destroying the lives of the ones they loved so much in life. Concerning Inugami: Inugami are anthropomorphic, dog-like beings, often similar to werewolves known to be masters of black magic. In public, an inugami looks identical to an ordinary dog in order to blend in with society. However, its true form is that of a desiccated, mummified dog’s head, often dressed up in ceremonial trappings. NOTE: If anyone catches this at the bottom, this is a repost because the other two topics were the result of me getting confused and that I can't figure out a way to delete the previous topics or threads. So please don't be hard on me when i post this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted February 25, 2016 Author Share Posted February 25, 2016 Set in the Starfox Assault era. Whilst clearing aparoids in sector Y, our heroes were drawn into the warp zone (which has reappeared 9 years since the lylat wars) and are sent 600 years into the past. It turns out, they are back on the planet Corneria. . . during the second Cornerian world war: 640 BLW-620 BLW. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 29, 2016 Share Posted February 29, 2016 This looks really nice. Clever idea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted March 1, 2016 Share Posted March 1, 2016 The level of detail you've managed to work into each one of these pieces is, quite frankly, astounding. The bridge of that ship in particular is so ornate that I can't help but to stop and merely gawk at everything going on. Bravo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted March 25, 2016 Author Share Posted March 25, 2016 Set in the years Between "StarFox Assault" and "StarFox Command". In the years between the Anglar and Aparoid war, a temporal/quantum slip experiment was conducted by Space Dynamic Ltd. The fist experiment, which involved transporting an entire squad of soldiers and military vehicles 2,000 years into the past, was a success however, three days later, they failed to return to the present. After 2 unsuccessful attempts to recover the missing squad, Team StarFox and a voluntary unit led by Bill Grey were both chosen for the 4th recovery attempt. This time around, they chose to send the entire great fox II rather than just the individual Arwings, landmasters and people. Once the StarFox team exit the Quantum slip it is revealed that they have been sent into a forgotten period in corneria's history, it's warring period (Based on Japan's sengoku period and the specific date of arrival is 2,495 BLW). As the Great Fox II remains hidden within the mountains, the voluntary unit and StarFox venture out into this past corneria in the guise of "Heavenly warriors". it is there they bring up the attention of the Koneria clan, the clan that was to become the nation of Corneria. Here they striek an agreement and fight alongside the shogun of this clan. Despite joining forces with the Koneria clan, rather than making their residence withing the castle, StarFox and Bill's voluntary unit chose instead chose to make their residence near and within a small outpost keep away from but within visual range of Koneria castle. Apparently slippy has modified the structure with modern Cornerian technology to serve as a more functional HQ (the only noticeable features seem to be several tall metal antenna and sensory equipment sticking out of the roof). A smaller structure nearby was demolished with the foundation platform serving as a landing pad for the Arwings and fighters. Later on it is revealed that the 3 missing platoons arrived 2 years before them and took on the guise of an enemy clan of powerful wizards with their Castle (a strange hybrid of a Typical castle in that period and a modern cornerian military base) located in the mountains. In the 2 years of their stay, they became traitorous and lost their allegiance to modern corneria. wishing to rewrite history and forge a stronger corneria to their liking. Fox learns later on that this enemy clan was so close to the Koneria clan (more like 15 or so miles away) that they insited unification with the Koneria clan in an attempt to alter history in their own liking. He later on discovers (wiith the help of 47 deserters from the enmy clan) that the "prince" of the clan (discovered to be the commander of the first squad) is to marry the daughter of the shogun, the princess of Koneria. At this point this becomes a race against time to set things right. with the help of a few supernatural entities and gods, it is a quest to save corneria's destiny but at the same time, it is a quest for Fox and Falco to discover their true heritage. Inspired by a vague Japanses samurai movie "Sengoku Jieitai" and it's remake "Sengoku Jieitai: 1549". Both of which have to do with a modern platoon of japanese soldiers getting transported into the past (specifically the Sengoku period of Japan) Of which they both have to fight alongside the samurai in order to survive and attempt to set history right. a somewhat unusual choice of story for a samurai film The movies can be found on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arAtHsPfBeYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9TCyEQfwLM there will also be supernatural influences taken from the game "Okami" and movie, "47 Ronin". along with incorporating the movie's plot into the story. It should be apparent that Fox and his team should experience culture shock since the culture and language of old corneria is largely forgotten and thus Untranslatable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted April 22, 2016 Author Share Posted April 22, 2016 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted May 7, 2016 Author Share Posted May 7, 2016 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
14432 Posted June 20, 2016 Author Share Posted June 20, 2016 Cerians As I would Imagine them in Zero's continuity. . . 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted June 20, 2016 Share Posted June 20, 2016 I went ahead and merged your fanart threads together. Please keep your future pieces in this thread. With that out of the way, your recent artwork is pretty great! There's something likable about the stark, detailed linework. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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