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What Animation Company Should Make A Star Fox Anime?

Meiryu no Shugan

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Okay, we have all seen what Production IG, the studio behind Ghost in the Shell, Psycho Pass, and 009:ReCyborg can do when given the reins ofr a Star fox anime short and I must say, it is AWESOME. But now I must ask: What other studio could best make a full anime out of Star Fox, and make it just as good, if not better? I invite you ll to share your opinions, and to start off the discussions, I have 4 studios in mind that seem best for SF (at least in my opinion!) Here they are, Best first:

1. GAINAX, those gloriously insane bastards (and I say that affectionately) behind Kill la Kill, Evangelion and my personal favorite of theirs, Gurren Lagann. FIGHT DA POWAH!

2. Unfotable. Actually, this studio ties with Gainax on my list. How can it not, with those jaw-dropping accomplishments on both Fate/Zero and UBW under its belt!?

3. Bones, the studio that brought us FMA:B. They ROCK with facial expressions and fight scenes, almost on par with Gainax. 

4. Last but not least, Studio Pierrot, who worked on both Naruto and Bleach. Nuff Said, Believe it!

Again, the above list is just my opinion, and I would love to hear the opinion of everyone else!

Oh, BONUS QUESTION: Which composer would you like best making the score for a Star Fox anime? I will leave that up to you guy, and I look forward to seeing everyone's opinions!

EDIT NOTE: I realize now that Kill la Kill was made by Studio Trigger, not Gainax. Got confused by the Eva references LOL. So, I m adding Studio Trigger as a aftep-post #5 for awesome, Gainax-esque animations, and jaw-dropping, nigh-orgasmic soundtraks (something that the other studios have inn common. Imagine Horiyuki Sawano doing an OST for SF!!!)

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For me the key thing would be to make it a short series: 6 to 12 episodes. That way the animation can be top notch from beginning to end. I've noticed that with anime the longer the series the more shortcuts they have to take for the production schedule.

Star Fox requires a lot of fast-paced action and vehicle transformations, so anybody who has experience with mecha space battles would be great. 


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On 4/29/2016 at 1:18 AM, Animal Pilot said:

anybody who has experience with mecha space battles would be great.

Harmony Gold. The makers of Robotech: 


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Tokyo Movie Shinsha (TMS Entertainment) has my support - their work has always been marvelous.  Most memorably for me, they've animated a number of episodes as well as the intros for both Animaniacs and Batman: The Animated Series.  Or they could hire Fredrykphox and have pure animated bliss.



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I didn't consider that studio, that is a good choice! You need look no further than how they showed the Raid on Balun!

That is definitely an excellent idea, and I am actually surprised I did not think of that studio before! However, what would your opinion be on Gainax doing a series, considering their success in Sci-Fi with Evangelion and Gurren Lagann?

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Ufotable certainly does make their animations pretty, so it'd be really interesting to see how they'd animate Star Fox :'D
I also think A-1 Pictures might do an alright job. I remember watching a few of their works, and not remember having much to complain about xp

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I'm a ho for Shaft. Plus I'd give anything to see a Starfox character do a Shaft headtilt.

Bones is another good choice too.

If we're talking specific animators in any animation studio however, Hidekazu Ebina and Kenichi Hara - both individually and together (They've done collabs before and the visuals are orgasmic.).

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I originally did not think of individual animators, but that is a good idea. I would like to see Miyazaki try his hand. I would love to see how he does funny expressions for them -- standing fur and all. 

Back on the topic of studios, , what about Studio Trigger, the badasses behind Kill La Kill?tumblr_nhrsvrhzhi1rrr564o1_500.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kinema Citrus would be an ideal choice. Their emphasis on technology and blood-pumping action scenes would be blessing for something like Star Fox, especially when depicting dogfights and planet chases, etc. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I hadn't taken that into account but the Gainax Bounce is another good perk (think of krystal or Fara pulling that out...... O_O)


2016-06-06 (1).png

And I Must Drool.

... Yeah, that'd be my reaction too, to be honest.

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...{cough}... OKAY, back to business!!!

On Neofantasia's comment: It would be interesting to see Ufotable taking SF on!!!


I mean, just IMAGINE the Great Fox firing a shot like THIS:


Overkill, I know, but doable: Slippy or ROB having to overclock the GF's cannons when the Arwings can't cut it.


Or Andross pulling s*** like THIS against Fox on their fight:


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