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Hey there! I'm Neo I was prompted by users Flare and Tiger Carson in the chat box to make an introduction 

I originally intended to lurk around, but I decided to create an account to further my lurking in the c-box. In the end, I decided to talk though :'D
I'm not the most interesting person, but I like to play video games (epsecially pokemon) and draw every now and then! I'm sadly on an art block right now though 

I also look around into the Kingdom Hearts fandom, casually watch anime every now and then, and play mmos now and then. I'm also fairly new to the Star Fox fandom in general, but I'm hoping to immerse myself into it more! Nice to meet all of you~ 

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And for once, I'm the first to greet someone new here in their introduction thread.  As I already mentioned, beware the nuts that are here.

Also, cool, another artist, and someone who's a fan of Kingdom Hearts.  And yes, I freely admit to advising him to it alongside Flare.

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I know nothing of this newb and him and Tiger are both utter liars. LIARS I TELL YOU LIARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I only exist to scare newbs, not advise them.


Oh, and like, welcome to the site and stuff.

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Welcome to the fourms you will now serve pigma. all hail the hypno pig

hope you have fun on this site.


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Dang, serving Pigma doesn't sound so great :'D Thanks for the welcomes!!

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Hey howdy hey, welcome to SF-O! The name's Clearwater; a name shared by many, but one defined by me. I'm SF-O's resident Blue Spix macaw and local British guy. Also, login' those first three letters of your username, I still remember back in the day when I took 'Neoware' as my name... Yup, those were the days.

Also, you're a Kingdom Hearts fan huh? God I love that series. I actually have an original copy of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix on my PS2. It's fricking awesome. Love the music too.

Enjoy your stay here!


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Welcome to the site! Everyone's giving longer introductions and Flare actually posted for once, so I might as well. I'm Hoo, I'm a 15 year old guitarist and I like money.

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Welcome from my site as well!

Though I am kind of curious, about how you stumbled over the Star Fox games?

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Hello there! Welcome to the site! I'm Kyubey, and it is a pleasure to meet you! :)

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Late again.

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Thanks everyone!! Oh god please don't steal my soul Kyubey

  On 5/2/2016 at 7:58 AM, Clearwater said:

Hey howdy hey, welcome to SF-O! The name's Clearwater; a name shared by many, but one defined by me. I'm SF-O's resident Blue Spix macaw and local British guy. Also, login' those first three letters of your username, I still remember back in the day when I took 'Neoware' as my name... Yup, those were the days.

Also, you're a Kingdom Hearts fan huh? God I love that series. I actually have an original copy of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix on my PS2. It's fricking awesome. Love the music too.

Enjoy your stay here!



Haha, I've been using stuff with 'Neo' in it for a while now, and I never bothered to go with much other names :'D

  On 5/2/2016 at 1:18 PM, Hoobanana said:

Welcome to the site! Everyone's giving longer introductions and Flare actually posted for once, so I might as well. I'm Hoo, I'm a 15 year old guitarist and I like money.


I like money too~ ./shot

  On 5/2/2016 at 1:33 PM, Mecha-Katt said:

Welcome from my site as well!

Though I am kind of curious, about how you stumbled over the Star Fox games?


I actually decided to look into Star Fox more after I saw some SFZ gameplay and even saw the animated promo they made. (It was really nicely done~)
It seemed pretty fun, and the voice acting wasn't bad at all imo :')

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Welcome to the site! I'm Alba.

Here, have a fishy stick!

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:welcome: to the site.

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Thank you!! Do I see Zootopia? I really love that movie!

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  On 5/4/2016 at 5:42 AM, Neofantaisa said:

Thank you!! Do I see Zootopia? I really love that movie!


Do I think that was an excellent question?  Yes, yes I do. :p

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Hey, hope I'm not too late to the welcome wagon. It's nice to see new people showing up every now and then around here, though I feel like "not the most interesting person" is what everyone says , followed by  being quite a cool person to hang out with. We'll see. :p

I'm Orbi, I just make some posts here every now and then and mostly hang out at Steam, and sometimes at Discord and the site's chat. Hope to see you around SFO!

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