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If "StarFox Adventures" was a prequel


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Would it have made a difference if "StarFox Adventures" was actually a prequel of "Star Fox 64"?

Imagine the story being set up like this:

The game is set in a prehistoric Corneria in the distant unrecorded past. Cerinia is the old name of Corneria rather than an entirely separate planet. The planet looks like a hybrid of Sauria and the original dinosaur planet from the canceled game. The chronological time period of the game would be so distant that it won't affect the events of 64 or Zero entirely. 

In this prehistoric Corneria, much like our earth, dinosaurs are the dominant species during this time period with early Cornerians beginning to take hold on the planet. The main character, Sabre would be an Ancestor of Fox McCloud as well as Krystal. In my version of "Adventures" the game's storyline is more faithful to the original cancelled "Dinosaur Planet" game as well chronicling the decline of Cerinian civilizationa and the dawn of Cornerian civilization and such.


The ending would remain open for speculation, leading many to wonder what changes occurred to make Corneria what it is in the "present". additionally a vague post credits cutscene would feature an asteroid slowly lumbering toward the distant Corneria, alluding to a possible mass extinction event much like what happened to our own earth following the end of the game.


This would fit in the continuity of "Star Fox Zero" since Cerinia and Sauria are implied to have never existed in that timeline.


so what do you think? is this idea better than the concept for "Star Fox adventures".

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Not sure I like the idea. This isn't to say it's not creative because it is extremely original. No, why I don't like it is because the mass extinction you've alluded to would've had to have affected the other bipeds in existence on Corneria as well. In short, everybody would die, not just the dinosaur bipeds.

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10 hours ago, Shmibli7 said:

Not sure I like the idea. This isn't to say it's not creative because it is extremely original. No, why I don't like it is because the mass extinction you've alluded to would've had to have affected the other bipeds in existence on Corneria as well. In short, everybody would die, not just the dinosaur bipeds.

remember there is magic in both the original dinosaur planet and adventures, so my intent was for whatever magic on corneria to be used to protect certain parts of it from the impact. The Early Cornerians and what remains of the cerinians survive yet much of the original dino population is reduced to the the point in which they eventually go extinct or otherwise evolve into avians. After the mass extinction, magic suddenly sees a decline and at this point cornerian civilization begins rebuilding and blossoming.

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So it'd be "Starfox (but not really): Primal" then, huh?

It's an unusual fan concept, I guess, but people's issues with Adventures usually start with "I didn't want a furry LoZ, I wanted Star Fox!".

I doubt him being Fox and Krystal's ancestor would matter though (In fact I doubt you'd even have to bring it up), 'cause he'd probably a majority of the canine people's ancestor.

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47 minutes ago, Sylono said:

So it'd be "Starfox (but not really): Primal" then, huh?

It's an unusual fan concept, I guess, but people's issues with Adventures usually start with "I didn't want a furry LoZ, I wanted Star Fox!".

I doubt him being Fox and Krystal's ancestor would matter though (In fact I doubt you'd even have to bring it up), 'cause he'd probably a majority of the canine people's ancestor.

Well it's better than having a primitive planet in lylat with a civilization massively inferior to the Cornerian civilization (they could wipe them out if they wanted to) that is otherwise good for colonization. Or two culturally Inferior planets if you take Cerinia in consideration.

I specifically made them Fox's ancestor and not all the canines because Sabre was supposedly part of a tribe/clan in the original dinosaur planet. Cerinians in this Concept exst as a declining race with the early Cornerians being non-telepathic offshoots ejected from their society.

The whole idea here is that in Zero, Cerinia and Sauria do not exist as individual planets but as the prehistoric name of Corneria. So that mean's Krystal along with Sabre are suppose to be ancestors of Fox McCloud.



The only think that would link this game to Star Fox is the fact that it's narrated in third person. Apparently by someone in present day corneria reading a surviving text from that era.

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34 minutes ago, 14432 said:

Well it's better than having a primitive planet in lylat with a civilization massively inferior to the Cornerian civilization (they could wipe them out if they wanted to) that is otherwise good for colonization.

Well, I'd say it being "better" might be a tad more writer's bias.

So, then you're going for some Assassin's creed tier selective breeding, huh? Don't really see the point, but it's your idea.

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2 minutes ago, Sylono said:


Well, I'd say it being "better" might be a tad more writer's bias.

So, then you're going for some Assassin's creed tier selective breeding, huh? Don't really see the point, but it's your idea.

i wouldn't call it selective breeding but give it enough generations and the blue fur and telepathic traits disappear as the McCloud lineage progresses.

Another link to StarFox would be sabre either flying on a cloudrunner or crude glider through levels echoing what his descendant would be doing in the future.

also for the present day segments, It's set after Zero's lylat war, in which Archeologists from the Cornerian university are excavating ruins uncovered during the reconstruction of Corneria's infrastructure. The ruins in question would have been the Krazoa palace in the 64 timeline.

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