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Anyone else been playing Star Fox for their entire lives?

Yeves Draco

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Has anyone else been playing Star Fox for their entire lives? I started on Starwing when I was 3 and I have completed every single one. Favorite one is Assault due to the story and the physics engine. Not to mension the multiplayer!!!

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Hi there! Welcome to SF-O! :)

Because I was born way too late (2002 to be exact), I actually didn't even know what Star Fox was until I was 12 years old. But ever since I found out about it, I did more and more research into it, and eventually became obsessed with it. XD

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Welcome to SFO :iwata: 

kinda the same thing as kyubey . but i started earlier (2007) with lylat wars

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Been playing since 2010 when my friend brought out 64 and Assault. Loved it ever since.

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I've known Starfox since I was turning 9. My all-time favorite Starfox game is Starfox Adventures for a number of reasons. 

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My first was Star Fox on the N64, when I was, what, eleven (I'm thirty now). Assault is my favourite due to the mixture in gameplay styles, beautiful graphics, the multiplayer the F**king amazing music! Seriously, I'm listening to Assault's OST as I'm writing this.

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Christmas 2001 my brother and I got a Nintendo 64 second-hand from my dad's friend with a handful of games. One of those games was Lylat Wars. I swear, no other game gave me such strong memories- From finally reaching Venom I when I was off sick from school, to when my brother managed to get past Star Wolf on Venom II and face the true Andross, having that brief moment of fear when the brain form was revealed. Truth be told I haven't had much experience with the rest of the series, only playing command properly, but I still love and appreciate the series as a whole.

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You mean just being fans of the series or playing til we're dead? :)

I don't play as much as I used to, we all do play other games.  I'm currently retracing my steps in Dark Souls.

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8 hours ago, Snes1993 said:

I don't play as much as I used to, we all do play other games.

So do I. I love Starfox, but do show interest in other games, like Legend of Zelda. Starfox isn't the only game that makes the Ultimate Story special after all.

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I grew up with Starwing, my brother got it in 1994 and then gave it to me when I was 4-5 years old. When assault came out, I played the multiplayer with my brother and mates from school. It became a weekend thing, we would play Mario Smash Football, and Super Smash Bros. I've been playing Starwing/Starfox since 2000.

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My first experience with Star Fox was Lylatwars back in I think 2000 (It's been that long? Bloody hell...) and it remains as my favourite game of all time. Since then I have played every game in the series multiple times. It's a major reason as to why I loves games as much as I do today.

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I've been with Star Fox for as along as the original for the SNES has been out; my brother probably bought it or someone else in the family did and I remember looking first through the manual of the game and finding the Star Fox puppets interesting. I remember even my dad liked Star Fox at the time and found it fascinating. It's one of the reasons I feel the most nostalgic for the original SNES title in the series; it's got one of my all-time favorite video game soundtracks.

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Can confirm, I was playing Star Fox as I was emerging from the womb.

I genuinely can't recall exactly when I first started playing Star Fox, but I'm pretty sure it was after thinking Fox was a pretty cool character in the original Smash Bros.

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