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SomeCallMeJohnny's Star Fox Marathon


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I don't know how many of you are familiar with this guy's reviews (he's mostly well known for his reviews of Sonic games), but he's doing a Star Fox marathon, starting off with the first two games on the SNES:


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I literally recorded and beat both of these games this morning for a youtube video? Where's my hype....;-;

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I've been subscribed to him since before his Splatoon review. I'm hooked on this guy's reviews. I was extremely excited when the video finally came out, but I wish I could have been more hyped.

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He does some interesting stuff, and is pretty succinct, though if you're a hard core fan like most of us here are, you're not going to get much new info from this review.  Though I knew I wasn't the only one who had difficulty with rolling at the right time.  He may say it doesn't work, but the MANY videos out there show that it does work when you execute it at the correct time.  Otherwise, decent reviews, I'm interested to see what his thoughts on the next games are.  Besides, it's positive press, he's not bad mouthing either game, he's presenting a mostly fair and unbiased look.  I like him for that(It's part of what made me subscribe to his channel in the first place), and his marathon could go a long way to helping the franchise get more steam among the general gaming public.

Yeah, I'm being pretty hopeful here, but you never know.  After all, there is a saying that a wave is caused by a single rain drop.  So I can hope, and I will hope.

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To be honest, I've never had a whole lot of trouble with rolling, though players' tolerance towards the button input lag varies I guess. My only complaint with the review is that he says SF2 has on-rail sections even though the entire game is free-roaming. Strangely enough, his views of SF1 are very similar to mine. Subjectively, I love the game to pieces, but from an objective point of view I can tell the game has not aged that well and as a result isn't very accessible to most gamers as of today.

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His Star Fox 64 review is up now:

He covers the 3DS version as well.

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Just watched it.  Good review, his feelings on SF64 are very similar to mine except for the music and Aquas.  And so far of what I've played of SF643D, I agree with him.  It's over-all a better game.  But that doesn't mean that the N64 original isn't a good game, oh no, it's still one of my favorites on the console for a reason.  But 3D just does everything over-all better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Not a bad review, but I felt like Johnny overlooked some of the bigger issues with the game such as the level design and overall level of polish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I couldn't agree with Johnny more on everything he brings up about the game. (barring the controls)

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Took me a couple days, yes I am that behind on videos I want to watch.  ANYWAYS, like Patch said, I too agree with Johnny on everything in the game.  But, that's putting it mildly for me.  All I'm glad for is that the game is not canon, that's about the only great thing about it.  Controls were decent, though they took me a while to get used to.  And even then, like Johnny, I got tired playing it.  And he was playing it on a 3DS, I played it on the ORIGINAL DS.  Sweet Christmas that could wear your wrist out...

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And here it is, the final review in his marathon:

I noticed that during him speaking his opinions' about the controls, he completely overlooked that you can switch views with the minus button on the gamepad.

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