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Starfox 64 Boundary Break!

Robert Monroe

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So there's this neat little series on youtube called Boundary Break where a guy uses camera hacks to look at all the details in video games that you can't see or reach normally. He did Starfox 64 and there's a lot of cool stuff here!



Items of note: There's an "A" spray painted onto the Granga (other bosses have As too but Granga's looks rather... hackjobed?)

The tunnel in the MacBeth base has a texture rendered on it to make it look like a tunnel going into the base deeper.

James's render in his Arwing at the end of the game is just Fox's model lel.

General Pepper's base in the credits is fully rendered.

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God damn it, I was hoping the CDF base would look like the one from SF1. Oh well, it somewhat resembles Pepper's tower from Zero so there's that.

I'm also pretty sure the "A" stands for the Androssian Empire.

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I know the "A" stands for Andross yes, I'm just interested that Granga's is "spray painted". Like they stole it from Corneria and hastily put that A on there to declare allegiance :p

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Well half of Andross's military force are space pirate monkeys so that should explain something. =P

Also the author of this video dun goofed at 4:32, that's actually supposed to be a Searcher III, (as the Mission File Printout refers them to) the things that were hopping between asteroids in SF1.

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That's actually super interesting. I'm not really surprised that a lot of the level outside of the field of view was left untextured, but the way the levels are laid out to restrict perspective is pretty neat.

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