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Whats with the guests?


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Since i registered here, every time im on i see guests. when i view "whos online" and see "guest" viewing a thread or post, i think, "Why dont they just register?" i mean, it seems that they come here pretty often. it would make sense to just register if you are gonna be here all the time. any ways, like my teacher told the class this morning:

"If there is anything else you want to B*** about, do it now cause i wont let you do it later."

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The Internet is a big place, Yes we do get Alot of guests but rarly it's going to be the same person. Besides we don't want every one in the world registering (like, when we were on php) because the more members we have the more banwith we use (or something like that) and some of the time the "guests" are spammers, or trolls.

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I remember one time we had so many guests appear, we had a total of 49 users on at one time. There were basically only 6 actual registered users on, I couldn't believe it. I thought it was some sort of bug in the system.

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What's the big deal? We should make guests feel welcomed.

That is until their stay is up. :evil:

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That was when the little AL problem occured though, so I have no idea. It was weird.

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Guests can't post...

Yes they can, well on some forums guests can post I not sure if the Admins deactivated it.

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^ Well I guess so.

Else, some people may just be people who are temporary here who maybe never has been to a SF-forum before, and some maybe Even are some flamers/spammers that are trying to register but fails (I know some insane people... and spambots ofcourse)

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^ Let's hope thats not it.

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I'm always on....no matter if i'm logged in or not...

I can still look at stuff but I can't reply...

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