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Ideal starfox and starwolf members?


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If you a lead designer for the next starfox game, then what Star fox characters(yes,even the cut and the forgotten ones) you chose to be part of star fox or star wolf? and How each members of star fox is equivalent to, Or rival with each members of star wolf,Only a maximum of 7 members each,why? because I pretty sure your ideal 4 members of star fox is gonna be Fox,Peppy,Falco, and even Slippy( Because without them, There is no star fox.)  and also Most of you want fay,myiu, and/or Fara to come back into the series as either star fox or star wolf instead of Krystal.(All the love for the three characters but no love for Algy?)

well anyway, Here is my list

SF     SW








Also, This is my first post in this site! So if you done listing the character and welcome me to the SF-O family, Then I be much Obliged:D


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