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Survival on an unknown planet (Casual)


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"I'll judge that for myself, human," he said tensing up, mentally putting up his defenses, "but I will hear it, whatever it is."

Muryin smiled at his level of cooperation. It was big of him to allow that though far from high praise.

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"Thanks for your support, sir. Now, I heard back then how you threatened the konkistador and judging your words, you seem to be capable of tearing vehicles apart. If this is true, then I have a "small" plea..." He stopped and reassured himself again that the AI couldn't hear them, before he continued, "In the case we would finally be rescued... could you, um... kill it?"

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"I'm capable yes, most things with my bear hands. But for everything else I use this," Kaan said reaching around his back for the thick long sword. "It's heavy, but I sharpened it myself into a giant razor. With force behind it, ain't no armor it can't penetrate. The guys back "home" call it the Can Opener. "

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"Perfect", Andrej cheered quietly. "Now we can at least use him to store our things and travelling fast to certain locations, but once help arrives, you need to kill that thing. Because it will attempt to murder everyone to leave no witnesses, and while he will spare me here, he will try to get me murdered for treason on our home planet. And me not willing to shoot all of you already counts as betrayal, so my superior will at least severely punish or outright execute me..."

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As Muryin nodded in agreement, Kaan gave a look of skepticism. Something he said had a familiar ring to it, like people he had dealings with before.

"You're not military, are you?" Kaan said it as a statement rather than a question. Somehow he knew or maybe he didn't and operated solely on a hunch. 

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Nervous as Andrej couldn't predict what Kaan would do to him once the truth was out, he tried a careful approach.

"I'm afraid, not. Why?"

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Kaan inhaled sharply, his eyes widened and snarled in rage. In a blinding flash he grabbed Andrej by the neck and held him as if he was nothing. Kaan gritted his teeth, "pirate scum! Do you know how many of your kind I had to kill just to get to this damn planet?!"

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"No, god, please no!", Andrej shrieked in panic, not even trying to free himself out of fear that Kaan might just snap his neck or worse. "I have a wife and family!"

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"Oh you're breaking my heart," Kaan smiled as his eyes glowed with hints of embers, "give me a better reason than that or I'll torch you here and now!"


"Lord Sergeant, please!" Muryin interceded, "he has been nothing but helpful!"

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"My wife is out there all alone in the vast reaches of space, after we got separated by the police for alleged child rape!", Andrej desperately tried to give him a reason not to murder him. "Before my age ends me, I need to find her to be sure that she's at least alright, as I can never leave the pirate life anymore! And besides, what go you achieve from killing me? The lorry will attack all of you immediately once I'm dead, since then there's nobody to hold him back with orders."

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"...Kaan, please," she called to him, using just his name for once in her life. Honestly it shocked him, but didn't allow it it to surface emotionally. He turned back to Andrej and set him down. "I believe the part about the lorry and maybe about your sob story...but I'll be damned if your distress call brings a pirate ship here. What assurances do we have that they won't try to shanghai us?"

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"Well, heh, there's the problem..." Andrej began to sweat. He knows that his following words will only anger Kaan, but now he couldn't turn back. He explained, "It will bring a pirate ship here, and if they spot you, they will just shoot you on sight. But as long as nobody knows you are here, nothing will happen to you, which means that destroying the konkistador is very important. Also, I'll send my own distress signal once all of you have left the planet. My comrades are usually very quick to respond and have the means to arrive fast, so I don't mind a few days waiting."

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"I sent my own distress call before crash landing," Muryin interjected, "but I am not certain if they have or will receive it."

Kaan was beyond angry at this point, silent rage even. The thought of being backed in a corner and trying to hide at the same time was unnerving. "If they find us...I will kill them all."

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"Don't worry!", Andrej reassured Muryin. "We use our own frequencies, and while they may have gotten yours, they wouldn't answer, as we are trying to operate in the shadow of the universe, unseen from everyone. But if I send one, my friends would arrive as soon as possible, and then only with four people. So you don't have to be afraid of an attack."

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"You better be right," Kaan said.

Just then the ships short range scanners pinged with a surface contact. Muryin rushed over to see what it was. "Whatever it is, it just parked itself 5 kilometers West of us."

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  • 6 years later...

an xm3 heavy fighter crashes into the planet. out stumbles an Arctic wolf woman, her white fur stained red. she can be seen 5 kilometers to the west. this is no rescuer

Edited by kit robins
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