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A prequel with James, do you want it?


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Back from a hiatus, but a thought ran through my head; do you want a prequel featuring James Mccloud and his exploits? It could add more flavor to the series, it could explore how the Great Fox was built, Pigma's betrayal or how Fox and Bill met. Also Pigma on your team.

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Oh yeah, I've wanted this for a while.

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The question is: how would they do it?

I kinda want it, but it's impossible because it's not really necessary in Nintendo's eyes.

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tfw this is kinda what I wanted Zero to be :(

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tfw this is kinda what I wanted Zero to be :(

Yeah you think that SF0 is some kind of prequel with that name..................But no, we got a another SF remake like 9,000 times

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Sounds like it could be interesting. Get to play how Starfox used to operate, maybe even how he got the Great Fox. On the other hand, the story is gonna have a sad ending even if we don't get to play or watch when Pigma betrays James. Though on yet another hand, getting to play Peppy as he escapes Andross to set up the events of SF64 could be pretty rad.

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Going backwards in time to make new games may work.  After all Nintendo doesn't seem to have any luck of making sequels to star fox games as they tend to keep rebooting the series.

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