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Let's Talk Technology Advancement: The Cornerian Army, and everybody else.

The VGM Lover

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Between Star Fox 64, and Assault, The Cornerian Army saw a massive shift in... pretty much everything about them!

It happened in only 9 years canonically, and to break my hiatus from any major activity from the site, I'd like ask this; was it impressive how far they got, in that amount o' time?


In 64 canon, I've been told that the Cornerian Army was made primarily for peacekeeping, and as such, it was very small, and seemed to lack in the weapons and firepower department, so it seems that when the Venomian Army invaded the Lylat System, the Cornerian Army was not ready in the slightest to deal with the threat. The most notable example that springs to mind is in the iconic intro to Sector Y, when the only defense that a huge Cornerian Capital Ship had was a weak line of laser cannons that could barely target a small squadron of giant Mechs, before being decimated by them in a matter of seconds! It's a miracle that the Cornerian Army was not completely slaughtered by the Venomian Army, by the time Star Fox defeated Andross, ending the Lylat Wars.

Fast forward 9 years, and you get the first scene of Star Fox Assault. The Cornerian Army has completely changed their tune by this time, and they are taking no punishment from what remains of Andross's Army! Their Capital Ships now have a new defense: a huge streak of fixed beam cannons, which can target a single mech from amongst a surrounding enemy fleet, and pierce right through the thick armor of another rebellious cruiser! The enemy army stood no chance against an onslaught of Cornerian Cruisers and fighters, working together to put a stop to a rebellious upbringing.

The Cornerian Army went from a simple peacekeeping force, to a fleet capable of conquest, if need be. That is, until the Aparoids invaded, and the Cornerian Army was given a bat to the head, and knocked right back into the... corner. :( 


What I think attributed to this was the fact that, while the Cornerian Army did manage to bolster their size and firepower something fierce, 9 years isn't a lot of time to do that, when you've decided to basically recreate your whole army from scratch. The fleet we saw in Star Fox Assault, for all we know, could've been everything they had! And they had to split that size to defend multiple planets at once, when the Aparoids invaded! That's probably why the Cornerian Army was absent, when Fichina's climate control center became occupied by a huge swarm of Aparoids! Quite unfortunately, despite their progress, they were still not ready to handle a system-wide invasion.

But in the grand scheme of things, could they have built a massive sustainable army that could prevent a system-wide invasion? Was there armies in other franchises that managed to do it in only 9 years with basically nothing but a drawing board, a team of engineers, and a goal in mind?

It can be anything from movies, to video games, to anime. But it can't just be a simple "one guy dreams, and all of a sudden" kinda thing. Let's try to keep it just a little bit realistic, here.

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Three words:
Five Year Plans

Never underestimate the power of the Cornerian worker!

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21 minutes ago, Arminius H O Fiddywinks said:

Three words:
Five Year Plans

Never underestimate the power of the Cornerian worker!

I just looked that up, after giving the reaction. XD

But hey, even with that context, that'd still be amazing, wouldn't it?

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