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Star Fox Grand Prix

SF Redd

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I don't come here much, because honestly, this site has hit a low point. It seems very quiet, and it has recently been fairly boring to come here.

When I saw this news, however, I jumped in joy at the possibility. I decided to come back here today to join in on the discussion everyone was undoubtedly having.

So imagine my surprise when I come here and can't see one reference to the two days old news, not even on the sites main page.

In case you missed it, there's a rumour going around that Retro Studios is working on a game called "Star Fox Grand Prix", which is supposedly a mix between F-Zero and Diddy Kong racing, set in the Star Fox universe. The game will apparently have bosses, like Diddy Kong Racing.

For anyone interested, here's a relevant link:

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Yes, I've read that news (on a German site) as well.

And to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what to think about it.

On one side, I would celebrate a Diddy Kong Racing-sequel really hard. And on the other side, I just would like to have a good Star Fox-game again. But those two mashed together? Hm!
I mean, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed already fills that "Diddy Kong Racing"-gap quite well, despite not having an overworld with bosses and collectibles.

But then again, we have Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle which is a great game, so I think it's best to just wait and watch how it turns out. At least hope that this idea is crazy enough to work. :)

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Actually, a racing game in R-wings would be freakin' awesome, as far as I'm concerned! Sign me f-ing up if this game turns out to be true. I'm actually more than happy to see the franchise go in different directions and play with genres, just so as long as it's not so ambitious that it doesn't have the resources to fully realise itself i.e. an open world game made on a shoestring budget.

I didn't see this news so thank you for bringing it to our attention.

P.S. maybe it hasn't been discussed as it's merely in the rumour stages.

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Al, my friend! How's it hangin'?

Anyway, about this supposed game... I would play it if it were released. I'm a Star Fox fan and will give any game in the franchise at least one try. Heck, if a Star Fox mobile trading card game were released, I'd play it in a heartbeat. What I'm wary about, though, probably just like everyone else is whether or not the game will be good. It would suck to not like a game in one of my favorite videogame series.


Not sure that a racer is going to be the best course of action, but hey, I'll be more than ready to give it a try if it comes out. 


....Now, if we had Star Fox Warriors, on the other hand....

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OMG I shudder at a Star Fox Warriors game. Don't even go there man!

Well, the game is being developed by Retro studios, a company with a very tight track record. I've not played many of their games, and I didn't like the Metroid Prime series tbh, but I get why others do, and it's clear they have talent.

I like the idea of a racer, actually. Especially as, if rumour has it, there is an adventure mode, or at least a hub to interact with a variety of people. I'm also interested in the idea of maybe FINALLY having an ONLINE Star Fox game that I can play. Aware there was SF Command, but I never got to play that online, sadly.

It's more than likely it'll be much like an elaborated version of the flying sections in Sonic Transformed i.e. lots of obstacles to avoid. Or more a more fixed course version of the multiplayer dogfights in SF64.

Let's also consider that you have the arwings, tanks, submarine, and the newer vehicles introduced in SF Zero. There are a number of possible game modes and styles you could think of for these different kinds of vehicles.

The only fear I have is of the same locations we've seen in most titles so far i.e. recycled versions of Corneria, etc. If it turns out to be true, there's a high chance the game, being a spinoff, will spend more time referencing earlier games than creating new locales.

BTW, lots of comparisons to F-Zero. I was going to make a pun about it ought to be called comes thing like Star F-Zero or, you know, Star Fox...Zero, but then realised we already have one named that!  :D

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To be honest, I'd like a Star Fox Warriors game... Just so long as characters that would normally use blasters didn't have some BS melee weapon that nobody's seen them use before.

Now, about the online capabilities... I suddenly want this game to become an MMO now... Lol. I know that it won't, but how freaking cool would it be to make your own Lylatian pilot and have them travel the system?

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I think you and I are on the other end of the spectrum here. I don't like Warriors games, and I don't particularly like MMOs either. I just want Star Fox Assault's multiplayer mode, but online basically. I don't like filler in games, which is basically what games like Warriors and MMOs are; filler, grinding and lots of repetition. Sorry, they're just not for me. But that's just a personal opinion, not an attack on those who do like them, of course.

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Nah, man. I get that you weren't trying to offend me. :D

As for the Assault Multiplayer online, I can get behind that...Just not exactly sure how it would be formatted or if they would remove on-foot combat altogether.

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I'm going to give this game a shot. I Mean at least Star Fox is appearing in something, and even if its a 1 off side thing like Adventures, I'll gladly play it. especially if they bring in characters from across the series

 Have loads of playable characters

 Powerups- like smart bombs.

and in general nods to the series history throughout.

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I wouldn't mind a hybridized F-Zero/StarFox game in the least bit.  It sounds like a good time, but I'm concerned that its sales would compete with Mario Kart titles and as such wouldn't be looked upon very fondly by Nintendo.   

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I'm not sure why people seem to bring up Mario Kart so much. I'm pretty certain the game will be different enough. If F-Zero and Mario Kart could be on the same systems, I don't see how this new theoretical game can't. Besides, we aren't sure how racer focused it will be.

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